
一、Why AOP?
a) AOP一般观点

b) AOP开发过程

a)  AOP作为OOP的补充,它提供了另外一种考量程序结构(program structure)的方式。OO将系统分解成一系列具有继承体系关系的objects;而AOP则将系统分解为aspects or concerns。而且AOP可更好地将一些横切concerns模块化,便于复用和维护。

b)  AOP,从其本质上讲,使你可以用一种松散耦合的方式来实现独立的关注点,然后,组合这些松散耦合的、模块化实现的横切关注点来搭建系统。与之对照,用OOP建立的系统则是用松散耦合的模块化实现的一般关注点来实现的。在AOP中,这些良好模块化的横切关注点的实现单元叫方面(aspect),而在OOP中,这些一般关注点的实现单元叫做类(class)。

c)  在AOP里,每个关注点的实现并不知道是否有其它关注点关注它,这是AOP和OOP的主要区别,在AOP里,组合的流向是从横切关注点到核心关注点,而OOP则恰恰相反。

d)  感觉AOP是在OOP后对那些objects重新分类的过程,将被广泛关注的objects(即横切于多个objects中的objects)提取出来,加工后再重新和原来核心objects组合起来。


下面是一些AOP基本概念的解释,摘录自AspectJ的FAQ和Spring AOP的Online book:
a)  Aspect(方面): A modularization of a concern for which the implementation might otherwise cut across multiple objects。

b)  Joinpoint(连接点): Join points are well-defined points in the execution of a program. Not every execution point is a join point: only those points that can be used in a disciplined and principled manner are。

c)  Advice(通知): Advice is code that executes at each join point picked out by a pointcut There are three kinds of advice: before advice, around advice and after advice. As their names suggest, before advice runs before the join point executes; around advice executes before and after the join point; and after advice executes after the join point. The power of advice comes from the advice being able to access values in the execution context of a pointcut.

d)  Pointcut(横切点): A set of joinpoints specifying when an advice should fire. An AOP framework must allow developers to specify pointcuts: for example, using regular expressions.  A pointcut picks out join points . These join points are described by the pointcut declaration. Pointcuts can be defined in classes or in aspects, and can be named or be anonymous.

e)  Weaving(织入):将Aspects组装成为最终系统。这个织入过程可以在编译期完成,也可以在运行时完成。

|        pointcut         |
|    |————————|   |
|    |    advice1      |   |
|    |    |————–|  |   |
|    |    | jointpoint1|  |   |
|    |    |————–|  |   |
|    |                |   |
|    |————————|   |
|                        |
|    |————————|   |
|    |    advice2      |   |
|    |    |————–|  |   |
|    |    | jointpoint2|  |   |
|    |    |————–|  |   |
|    |                |   |
|    |————————|   |
|    …….                |

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