本文永久链接 – https://tonybai.com/2025/03/04/deep-dive-into-gocacheprog-custom-extensions-for-go-build-cache
1. 背景
众所周知,Go build cache是在Go 1.10版本加入到Go工具链中的,缓存的主要目标是避免重复编译相同的代码,从而加快构建速度。
除了Go build/install命令外,go test命令也会利用构建缓存(包括fuzzing test)。除了编译测试代码本身,go test还会缓存测试结果:如果测试代码和依赖项没有变化,并且之前的测试通过,go test会报告(cached),表示测试结果来自缓存,而无需重新运行测试。如果测试代码或依赖项发生变化,或者之前的测试失败,go test会重新编译和运行测试。
我们看到在GOCACHE目录下还有两个文件,一个是trim.txt,另外一个是testexpire.txt。trim.txt用于对Go构建缓存进行修剪(trim)(\$GOROOT/src/cmd/go/internal/cache/cache.go),删除不太可能被重复使用的旧缓存条目,避免因过时的缓存占用过多资源,以保持缓存的高效性和有效性,trim.txt中保存了上次进行修剪的时间。testexpire.txt则是用于go clean清理测试缓存(\$GOROOT/src/cmd/go/internal/clean/clean.go)。
默认的Go构建缓存机制取得了不错的构建和测试加速效果,可以满足了大多数需求。不过,也有一些接纳Go的开发者以及公司希望Go构建缓存支持自定义扩展。前Go核心成员、tailscale联创之一的Brad Fitzpatrick在2023年就提出了Go构建缓存自定义扩展的提案。
在提案中,Bradfitz认为Go内置的构建缓存机制仅支持基于本地文件系统的缓存。在一些持续集成 (CI) 环境中,通常的做法是在每次运行时解和压缩\$GOCACHE目录,这种方法效率低下,甚至可能比CI操作本身还要慢(例如,GitHub Actions 中的缓存)。提案希望Go能够支持更灵活地自定义构建缓存机制,例如:
- 直接利用GitHub的原生缓存系统(而不是低效的 tar/untar)。
- 在公司内部的可信同事之间实现P2P缓存共享协议。
在《Go 1.24中值得关注的几个变化》以及《Go 1.24新特性前瞻:工具链和标准库》我们也提及了Go 1.24新增的实验特性:通过GOCACHEPROG实现Go构建缓存(go build cache)的自定义扩展。并提到了Bradfitz给出的GOCACHEPROG的参考实现go-tool-cache。不过Go 1.24正式版发布后,我使用Go 1.24.0验证了一下go-tool-cache,发现go-tool-cache似乎已经无法与Go 1.24.0正常协作了:
$go version
go version go1.24.0 linux/amd64
$GOCACHEPROG="./go-cacher --verbose --cache-dir /tmp/go-cache" go install fmt
2025/03/03 17:00:30 put(action b8310cbc256f74a5f615df68a3a97753d42e1665adc309e78f20fc13259dec98, obj , 902 bytes): failed to write file to disk with right size: disk=1275; wanted=902
2025/03/03 17:00:30 put(action bc54b2b00ab97b34ef769b66fbe4afd5998f46f843cf2beddcd41974a2564bb1, obj , 1650 bytes): failed to write file to disk with right size: disk=116838; wanted=1650
2025/03/03 17:00:30 put(action 9c4f13b659995a6010f99d4427a18cf2e77919d251ef15e0f751bfdc2dff1806, obj , 1473 bytes): failed to write file to disk with right size: disk=273; wanted=1473
2025/03/03 17:00:30 put(action 6600d21f6b5d283315d789f13e681eed1c51d3ddde835b0f14817ecd144a667e, obj , 566 bytes): failed to write file to disk with right size: disk=565; wanted=566
/root/.bin/go1.24.0/src/internal/runtime/maps/runtime_swiss.go:11:2: package internal/asan is not in std (/root/.bin/go1.24.0/src/internal/asan)
/root/.bin/go1.24.0/src/internal/runtime/maps/group.go:10:2: package internal/runtime/sys is not in std (/root/.bin/go1.24.0/src/internal/runtime/sys)
/root/.bin/go1.24.0/src/fmt/print.go:8:2: package internal/fmtsort is not in std (/root/.bin/go1.24.0/src/internal/fmtsort)
/root/.bin/go1.24.0/src/sync/hashtriemap.go:10:2: package internal/sync is not in std (/root/.bin/go1.24.0/src/internal/sync)
修正这个问题还是新实现一个GOCACHEPROG的扩展程序呢?我们选择后者,这样可以让我们更好地从头理解GOCACHEPROG。在这篇文章中,我们会从理解GOCACHEPROG protocol开始,逐步深入到实现自定义缓存管理的具体步骤,包括代码示例。后续基于这个基础,大家可以自己动手,实现满足你的个人/组织需求的Go构建缓存的管理程序。
2. 协议
前面说过,GOCACHEPROG是Go 1.24引入的新实验特性(很大可能在Go 1.25版本转正),允许使用外部程序实现Go构建缓存。其间的通信协议基于JSON消息通过stdin/stdout进行交换。Go命令将GOCACHEPROG指定的程序(以下称为my-cache-prog)以child process的形式启动,之后my-cache-prog与go命令之间的通信过程大致如下:
- 初始化: my-cache-prog启动后立即发送一个包含自身支持命令的Response消息(也称为init response,对应的ID=0)给Go命令。
- 请求-响应模型: Go命令收到init response后,根据其支持的命令,发送Request,缓存程序my-cache-prog收到请求后进行处理,并回复Response
- put: 将对象存储到缓存中。
- get: 从缓存中检索对象。
- close: 请求缓存程序优雅退出。
// $GOROOT/src/cmd/go/internal/cacheprog/cacheprog.go
// Cmd is a command that can be issued to a child process.
// If the interface needs to grow, the go command can add new commands or new
// versioned commands like "get2" in the future. The initial [Response] from
// the child process indicates which commands it supports.
type Cmd string
const (
// CmdPut tells the cache program to store an object in the cache.
// [Request.ActionID] is the cache key of this object. The cache should
// store [Request.OutputID] and [Request.Body] under this key for a
// later "get" request. It must also store the Body in a file in the local
// file system and return the path to that file in [Response.DiskPath],
// which must exist at least until a "close" request.
CmdPut = Cmd("put")
// CmdGet tells the cache program to retrieve an object from the cache.
// [Request.ActionID] specifies the key of the object to get. If the
// cache does not contain this object, it should set [Response.Miss] to
// true. Otherwise, it should populate the fields of [Response],
// including setting [Response.OutputID] to the OutputID of the original
// "put" request and [Response.DiskPath] to the path of a local file
// containing the Body of the original "put" request. That file must
// continue to exist at least until a "close" request.
CmdGet = Cmd("get")
// CmdClose requests that the cache program exit gracefully.
// The cache program should reply to this request and then exit
// (thus closing its stdout).
CmdClose = Cmd("close")
// Request is the JSON-encoded message that's sent from the go command to
// the GOCACHEPROG child process over stdin. Each JSON object is on its own
// line. A ProgRequest of Type "put" with BodySize > 0 will be followed by a
// line containing a base64-encoded JSON string literal of the body.
type Request struct {
// ID is a unique number per process across all requests.
// It must be echoed in the Response from the child.
ID int64
// Command is the type of request.
// The go command will only send commands that were declared
// as supported by the child.
Command Cmd
// ActionID is the cache key for "put" and "get" requests.
ActionID []byte `json:",omitempty"` // or nil if not used
// OutputID is stored with the body for "put" requests.
// Prior to Go 1.24, when GOCACHEPROG was still an experiment, this was
// accidentally named ObjectID. It was renamed to OutputID in Go 1.24.
OutputID []byte `json:",omitempty"` // or nil if not used
// Body is the body for "put" requests. It's sent after the JSON object
// as a base64-encoded JSON string when BodySize is non-zero.
// It's sent as a separate JSON value instead of being a struct field
// send in this JSON object so large values can be streamed in both directions.
// The base64 string body of a Request will always be written
// immediately after the JSON object and a newline.
Body io.Reader `json:"-"`
// BodySize is the number of bytes of Body. If zero, the body isn't written.
BodySize int64 `json:",omitempty"`
// ObjectID is the accidental spelling of OutputID that was used prior to Go
// 1.24.
// Deprecated: use OutputID. This field is only populated temporarily for
// backwards compatibility with Go 1.23 and earlier when
// GOEXPERIMENT=gocacheprog is set. It will be removed in Go 1.25.
ObjectID []byte `json:",omitempty"`
// Response is the JSON response from the child process to the go command.
// With the exception of the first protocol message that the child writes to its
// stdout with ID==0 and KnownCommands populated, these are only sent in
// response to a Request from the go command.
// Responses can be sent in any order. The ID must match the request they're
// replying to.
type Response struct {
ID int64 // that corresponds to Request; they can be answered out of order
Err string `json:",omitempty"` // if non-empty, the error
// KnownCommands is included in the first message that cache helper program
// writes to stdout on startup (with ID==0). It includes the
// Request.Command types that are supported by the program.
// This lets the go command extend the protocol gracefully over time (adding
// "get2", etc), or fail gracefully when needed. It also lets the go command
// verify the program wants to be a cache helper.
KnownCommands []Cmd `json:",omitempty"`
// For "get" requests.
Miss bool `json:",omitempty"` // cache miss
OutputID []byte `json:",omitempty"` // the ObjectID stored with the body
Size int64 `json:",omitempty"` // body size in bytes
Time *time.Time `json:",omitempty"` // when the object was put in the cache (optional; used for cache expiration)
// For "get" and "put" requests.
// DiskPath is the absolute path on disk of the body corresponding to a
// "get" (on cache hit) or "put" request's ActionID.
DiskPath string `json:",omitempty"`
- ID: 每个进程中所有请求的唯一编号
- Command: 请求类型(put/get/close)
- ActionID: 缓存键
- OutputID: 存储在缓存中的对象ID,实际也是Body数据的Sha256的值。
- Body: “put”请求的主体数据,”get”和”close”请求没有Body。
- BodySize: Body的字节数
- ID: 对应请求的ID
- Err: 错误信息(如有)
- KnownCommands: 支持的命令列表(用于初始Response)
- Miss: 缓存未命中标志
- OutputID: 存储在缓存中的对象ID
- Size: 主体大小(字节)
- Time: 对象放入缓存的时间
- DiskPath: 对应缓存项在磁盘上的绝对路径
- 除了init Response,其他Response可以乱序返回,Go命令会通过Response中的ID来匹配对应的Request。
- 不论缓存数据存储在哪里,最终提供给Go命令的都应该在本地文件系统中,并通过Response中的DiskPath来指示该数据对应的绝对路径。
// $GOROOT/src/cmd/go/internal/cache/prog.go
func (c *ProgCache) writeToChild(req *cacheprog.Request, resc chan<- *cacheprog.Response) (err error) {
if c.inFlight == nil {
return errCacheprogClosed
req.ID = c.nextID
c.inFlight[req.ID] = resc
defer func() {
if err != nil {
if c.inFlight != nil {
delete(c.inFlight, req.ID)
defer c.writeMu.Unlock()
if err := c.jenc.Encode(req); err != nil {
return err
if err := c.bw.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil {
return err
if req.Body != nil && req.BodySize > 0 {
if err := c.bw.WriteByte('"'); err != nil {
return err
e := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, c.bw)
wrote, err := io.Copy(e, req.Body)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := e.Close(); err != nil {
return nil
if wrote != req.BodySize {
return fmt.Errorf("short write writing body to GOCACHEPROG for action %x, output %x: wrote %v; expected %v",
req.ActionID, req.OutputID, wrote, req.BodySize)
if _, err := c.bw.WriteString("\"\n"); err != nil {
return err
if err := c.bw.Flush(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
- 顶部(蓝色区域): JSON编码的请求元数据
- 中间(黄色条): 换行符分隔符(‘\n’)
- 中部(绿色区域): Base64编码的请求体(可选)
- 底部(黄色条): 最终换行符(‘\n’)
3. 实现
3.1 整体设计
├── cmd/
│ └── go-cache-prog/
│ └── main.go (可执行程序入口)
├── protocol/
│ └── protocol.go (请求/响应定义和解析)
├── storage/
│ ├── storage.go (存储后端接口)
│ └── filesystem/
│ └── filesystem.go (基于本地文件系统的存储实现)
└── cache/
└── cache.go (内存缓存逻辑)
- cmd/go-cache-prog/main.go: 这是可执行程序的入口点。
// cmd/go-cache-prog/main.go (部分)
func main() {
// ... (参数解析、日志设置、缓存目录确定) ...
store, err := filesystem.NewFileSystemStorage(cacheDir, verbose)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to initialize filesystem storage: %v", err)
cacheInstance := cache.NewCache(store)
// ... (发送初始响应) ...
requestHandler := protocol.NewRequestHandler(reader, os.Stdout, cacheInstance, verbose)
if err := requestHandler.HandleRequests(); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Error handling requests: %v", err)
- protocol: 此包处理与go命令的通信协议,定义请求/响应结构,处理请求。
// protocol/protocol.go (部分)
type RequestHandler struct {
reader *bufio.Reader
writer io.Writer
cache *cache.Cache
verbose bool
gets int //statistics
getMiss int
func (rh *RequestHandler) HandleRequests() error {
for {
req, err := rh.readRequest()
// ... (错误处理、请求处理) ...
- storage: 此包定义了存储后端的抽象接口。
// storage/storage.go
type Storage interface {
Put(actionID, outputID []byte, data []byte, size int64) (string, error)
Get(actionID []byte) (outputID []byte, size int64, modTime time.Time, diskPath string, found bool, err error)
// ... (可选方法) ...
- storage/filesystem: 此包提供了storage.Storage接口的一个具体实现,使用本地文件系统。
// storage/filesystem/filesystem.go (部分)
type FileSystemStorage struct {
baseDir string
verbose bool
func NewFileSystemStorage(baseDir string, verbose bool) (*FileSystemStorage, error) {
// ... (创建目录) ...
- cache: 此包实现了内存缓存层, 位于存储接口之上。
// cache/cache.go (部分)
type Cache struct {
entries map[string]CacheEntry
mu sync.RWMutex
store storage.Storage
func NewCache(store storage.Storage) *Cache {
// ... (初始化 map) ...
3.2 协议解析
- 请求 (Request):
// protocol/protocol.go
type Request struct {
ID int64
Command Cmd
ActionID []byte `json:",omitempty"`
OutputID []byte `json:",omitempty"`
Body io.Reader `json:"-"`
BodySize int64 `json:",omitempty"`
ObjectID []byte `json:",omitempty"` // Deprecated
- 响应 (Response):
// protocol/protocol.go
type Response struct {
ID int64 `json:",omitempty"`
Err string `json:",omitempty"`
KnownCommands []Cmd `json:",omitempty"`
Miss bool `json:",omitempty"`
OutputID []byte `json:",omitempty"`
Size int64 `json:",omitempty"`
Time *time.Time `json:",omitempty"`
DiskPath string `json:",omitempty"`
// protocol/protocol.go (部分)
func (rh *RequestHandler) readRequest() (*Request, error) {
line, err := rh.reader.ReadBytes('\n')
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ... (处理空行) ...
var req Request
if err := json.Unmarshal(line, &req); err != nil {
// 检查base64
if len(line) >= 2 && line[0] == '"' && line[len(line)-1] == '"'{
// ...
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal request: %w", err)
return &req, nil
对于put请求, 如果BodySize大于0, 需要读取并解码Base64数据:
// protocol/protocol.go (部分)
func (rh *RequestHandler) handlePut(req *Request) {
var bodyData []byte
if req.BodySize > 0 {
bodyLine, err := rh.reader.ReadBytes('\n')
// ... (跳过空行)...
bodyLine, err = rh.reader.ReadBytes('\n')
// ... (错误处理) ...
bodyLine = bytes.TrimSpace(bodyLine)
if len(bodyLine) < 2 || bodyLine[0] != '"' || bodyLine[len(bodyLine)-1] != '"' {
// ... (格式错误) ...
base64Body := bodyLine[1 : len(bodyLine)-1]
bodyData, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(string(base64Body))
// ... (解码错误、大小不匹配处理) ...
// ... (调用 cache.Put) ...
3.3 缓存管理
- CacheEntry结构体:
// cache/cache.go
type CacheEntry struct {
OutputID []byte
Size int64
Time time.Time
DiskPath string
- Cache结构体和NewCache:
// cache/cache.go
type Cache struct {
entries map[string]CacheEntry
mu sync.RWMutex
store storage.Storage
func NewCache(store storage.Storage) *Cache {
return &Cache{
entries: make(map[string]CacheEntry),
store: store,
- Put方法:
// cache/cache.go
func (c *Cache) Put(actionID, outputID []byte, data []byte, size int64) (string, error) {
diskPath, err := c.store.Put(actionID, outputID, data, size)
if err != nil {
return "", err
entry := CacheEntry{ /* ... */ }
actionIDHex := fmt.Sprintf("%x", actionID)
c.entries[actionIDHex] = entry
return diskPath, nil
- Get方法:
// cache/cache.go
func (c *Cache) Get(actionID []byte) (*CacheEntry, bool, error) {
actionIDHex := fmt.Sprintf("%x", actionID)
entry, exists := c.entries[actionIDHex]
if exists {
return &entry, true, nil // 优先从内存缓存读取
// ... (从存储中读取, 并更新内存缓存) ...
3.4 抽象存储接口与本地文件系统实现
// storage/storage.go
type Storage interface {
Put(actionID, outputID []byte, data []byte, size int64) (string, error)
Get(actionID []byte) (outputID []byte, size int64, modTime time.Time, diskPath string, found bool, err error)
- FileSystemStorage和NewFileSystemStorage:
// storage/filesystem/filesystem.go
type FileSystemStorage struct {
baseDir string
verbose bool
func NewFileSystemStorage(baseDir string, verbose bool) (*FileSystemStorage, error) {
if err := os.MkdirAll(baseDir, 0755); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &FileSystemStorage{baseDir: baseDir, verbose: verbose}, nil
- Put方法:
// storage/filesystem/filesystem.go
func (fss *FileSystemStorage) Put(actionID, outputID []byte, data []byte, size int64) (string, error) {
actionIDHex := fmt.Sprintf("%x", actionID)
//outputIDHex := fmt.Sprintf("%x", outputID) //Might not need
actionFile := filepath.Join(fss.baseDir, fmt.Sprintf("a-%s", actionIDHex))
diskPath := filepath.Join(fss.baseDir, fmt.Sprintf("o-%s", actionIDHex))
absPath, _ := filepath.Abs(diskPath)
// Write metadata
now := time.Now()
ie, err := json.Marshal(indexEntry{
Version: 1,
OutputID: outputID,
Size: size,
Time: &now,
// ... (错误处理, 写入元数据文件) ...
if size > 0{
// 写入数据文件
if err := os.WriteFile(diskPath, data, 0644); err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to write cache file: %w", err)
} else {
zf, err := os.OpenFile(diskPath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0644)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to create empty file: %w", err)
return absPath, nil
- Get方法:
// storage/filesystem/filesystem.go
func (fss *FileSystemStorage) Get(actionID []byte) (outputID []byte, size int64, modTime time.Time, diskPath string, found bool, err error) {
actionIDHex := fmt.Sprintf("%x", actionID)
actionFile := filepath.Join(fss.baseDir, fmt.Sprintf("a-%s", actionIDHex))
// Read metadata
af, err := os.ReadFile(actionFile)
// ... (文件不存在处理) ...
var ie indexEntry
if err := json.Unmarshal(af, &ie); err != nil {
return nil, 0, time.Time{}, "", false, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal index entry: %w", err)
objectFile := filepath.Join(fss.baseDir, fmt.Sprintf("o-%s", actionIDHex))
info, err := os.Stat(objectFile)
// ... (对象文件不存在、或其他错误处理) ...
diskPath, _ = filepath.Abs(objectFile)
return ie.OutputID, info.Size(), info.ModTime(), diskPath, true, nil
- a-{actionID} (Action File): 元数据文件
- o-{actionID} (Object File): 对象文件。
这个文件存储了实际的缓存数据(即Request.Body的内容)。actionID 与对应的元数据文件中的actionID 相同。
对于一些Put请求(with BodySize=0)的,同样会创建元数据文件和对象文件,只是对象文件的size为0。
这么设计便于快速查找:在执行Get操作时,go-cache-prog首先读取a-{actionID}文件。这个文件很小,因为它只包含元数据。通过读取这个文件,go-cache-prog可以快速确定:缓存条目是否存在(如果 a-{actionID} 文件不存在,则肯定不存在)。 如果存在,可以获取到OutputID、数据大小(Size)和最后修改时间(Time),并放入内存缓存中,而无需读取可能很大的o-{actionID}文件,便可以知道对象文件(o-{actionID})是否存在。
4. 验证
$git clone https://github.com/bigwhite/go-cache-prog.git
注意:go-cache-prog需要与Go 1.24及以上版本配合使用。
$GOCACHEPROG="./go-cache-prog --verbose" go install fmt
2025/03/04 10:47:59 Using cache directory: /Users/tonybai/.gocacheprog
2025/03/04 10:47:59 Received request: ID=1, Command=get, ActionID=90c776cb58a3c3a99b5622344df5bc959fd2b90f299b40ae21ec6ccf16c77a23, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:47:59 Received request: ID=2, Command=put, ActionID=90c776cb58a3c3a99b5622344df5bc959fd2b90f299b40ae21ec6ccf16c77a23, OutputID=4e67091862cdc5ff3d44d51adaf9f5a3f5e993dcbc0b6aad884d00d929f3f4d3, BodySize=3037
2025/03/04 10:47:59 Put request: ID=2, Actual BodyLen=4055
2025/03/04 10:47:59 Received request: ID=3, Command=get, ActionID=b2d3027bda366ae198f991d65f62b5be25aa7fe41092bb81218ba24363923b69, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:47:59 Received request: ID=4, Command=get, ActionID=c48dafcc394ccfed5c334ef2e21ba8b5bd09a883956f17601cf8a3123f8afd2b, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:47:59 Received request: ID=5, Command=get, ActionID=b16400d94b83897b0e7a54ee4223208ff85b4926808bcae66e488d2dbab85054, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:47:59 Received request: ID=6, Command=get, ActionID=789f5b8e5b2390e56d26ac916b6f082bfb3e807ee34302f8aa0310e6e225ac77, OutputID=, BodySize=0
... ...
2025/03/04 10:48:03 Received request: ID=321, Command=close, ActionID=, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:48:03 Gets: 107, GetMiss: 107
$ls ~/.gocacheprog
... ...
$GOCACHEPROG="./go-cache-prog --verbose" go install fmt
2025/03/04 10:50:14 Using cache directory: /Users/tonybai/.gocacheprog
2025/03/04 10:50:14 Received request: ID=1, Command=get, ActionID=90c776cb58a3c3a99b5622344df5bc959fd2b90f299b40ae21ec6ccf16c77a23, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:50:14 Received request: ID=2, Command=get, ActionID=c48dafcc394ccfed5c334ef2e21ba8b5bd09a883956f17601cf8a3123f8afd2b, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:50:14 Received request: ID=3, Command=get, ActionID=b16400d94b83897b0e7a54ee4223208ff85b4926808bcae66e488d2dbab85054, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:50:14 Received request: ID=4, Command=get, ActionID=789f5b8e5b2390e56d26ac916b6f082bfb3e807ee34302f8aa0310e6e225ac77, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:50:14 Received request: ID=5, Command=get, ActionID=c6e6427a15f95d70621df48cc68ab039075d66c1087427eb9a04bcf729c5b491, OutputID=, BodySize=0
... ...
2025/03/04 10:50:14 Received request: ID=161, Command=close, ActionID=, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:50:14 Gets: 160, GetMiss: 0
我们看到所有的Get请求都命中了缓存(GetMiss: 0),此次执行也肉眼可见的快!
我们再来用一个可执行程序验证一下利用build cache的构建。在go-cache-prog项目下有一个examples/helloworld示例,在该目录下执行make,我们就能看到构建的输出:
$cd examples/helloworld
GOCACHEPROG="../../go-cache-prog --verbose" go build
2025/03/04 10:54:35 Using cache directory: /Users/tonybai/.gocacheprog
2025/03/04 10:54:35 Received request: ID=1, Command=get, ActionID=7c1950a92d55fae91254e8923f7ea4cdfd2ce34953bcf2348ba851be3e2402a1, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:54:35 Received request: ID=2, Command=put, ActionID=7c1950a92d55fae91254e8923f7ea4cdfd2ce34953bcf2348ba851be3e2402a1, OutputID=43b1c1a308784cd610fda967d781d3c5ccfd4950263df98d18a2ddb2dd218f5a, BodySize=251
2025/03/04 10:54:35 Put request: ID=2, Actual BodyLen=339
2025/03/04 10:54:35 Received request: ID=3, Command=get, ActionID=90c776cb58a3c3a99b5622344df5bc959fd2b90f299b40ae21ec6ccf16c77a23, OutputID=, BodySize=0
... ...
2025/03/04 10:54:35 Received request: ID=165, Command=close, ActionID=, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:54:35 Gets: 163, GetMiss: 1
hello, world!
5. 小结
本文深入探讨了Go 1.24引入的GOCACHEPROG这一实验性特性,它为Go构建缓存带来了前所未有的灵活性。通过允许开发者使用自定义程序来管理构建缓存,GOCACHEPROG解决了Go内置缓存机制在特定场景下的局限性,特别是CI环境和团队协作中的痛点。
- 不同的存储后端:实现storage.Storage接口,支持将缓存数据存储到云存储(如 AWS S3、Google Cloud Storage)、分布式缓存(如 Redis、Memcached)或其他存储系统中。
- 缓存失效策略:实现更复杂的缓存失效策略,例如基于 LRU(最近最少使用)或 TTL(生存时间)的过期机制。
- 分布式缓存:构建一个分布式的缓存系统,支持在多个开发机器或 CI 节点之间共享构建缓存。
- 监控和统计:添加监控和统计功能,跟踪缓存命中率、缓存大小、性能指标等。
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