2006年四月月 发布的文章



Are you free this weekend?
Could I see you again?
Could you give me your phone number?
Where shall we meet?
Shall I come to pick you up?
Are you doing anything this afternoon?
How about having dinner with me?
Why don’t we go to see a baseball game?
Sorry, I’m tied up.
I’m afraid I can’t.
Thanks for asking, but…
How about a rain check?
I hope you can come.

When is it convenient for you?
About what time?
When you have time.
I’m free today.
I’ll be busy tomorrow.
How about the tenth?
When are you free?
That is a bad day for me.
That day is fine.
When can I come over?
You decide when/where.
Is seven convenient for you?
When can you come over?
Is it too early/late?
It is a date.
See you then.

Are you ready?
I’m not ready.
What time shall we leave?
What time do we arrive?
Let’s get going.

Would you like to go to a movie?
What is on tonight?
What movie do you want to see?
I want to see…
Where is … playing?
How long is … playing?
Who is in this movie?
How long does it last?
What time is the next showing?
What time will it be over?
Two, please!
I can’t see because of the person in front of me.
We are way in the back, aren’t we?
Let’s sit closer up front.
That was interesting/boring, wasn’t it?
I was moved.

I like two tickets for October 3rd, please.
Sorry, we were sold out.
When do you have tickets?
What time does it start?
Can I make a reservation?
Where can I buy a ticket?
Is this seat taken?
We have great seats, don’t we?
Go for it!

I’d like to play golf.
Would you like to golf tomorrow?
Do you want to join me?
Are there any golf courses around here?
How much is it per person?
How much is it per day?
Are there any extra charge?
Can I rent the equipment?
Please make a reservation for golf.
I’d like to make golf reservation.
When would you like to play?
This Friday is possible.
There are four of us.
What time are we starting?

How about a drink?
I need a drink.
Would you like to have a drink after work?
Do you have any beer?
Two bottles of beer, please.
One whiskey with water, please.
What kind of snacks should we have?
Let’s forget about work and have some fun.
What are you drinking?
I like to go barhopping.
The first shape is the best.
Nothing beats this!
Would you like a refill?
Another beer, please.
This whiskey is strong.
How do you like sake?
It is strong.
I am drunk.
I feel a little tipsy.
I’m loaded.
Drink moderately!
I get drunk easily.
I drank too much.
I should have drank less. == I have drank too much.
I have a hangover.

Let’s go to karaoke.
What is karaoke?
Singing along with recorded music.
Are you good at singing?
I’d like to request a song.
You sing first.
Let’s enjoy ourselves.
How about a song, John?
What are you going to sing?
Let’s sing a duet.
Now it is my turn.
I don’t have the nerve to sing in front of people.
I can’t keep up with the new songs.
I am tone-deaf.
What is your karaoke specialty?
I’ve never heard of that song.
You are a good singer.

[New Words To Me]
rain check — a promise that an unaccepted offer will be renewed in the future. (如果以后方便的时间或者下次还有机会,邀请继续有效)
get going — 出发
barhop — to patronize a series of bars during an evening.
refill — to fill again.
sake — a Japanese alcoholic beverage, brewed from rice. pronounced "SAH-KEH" in Japanese, but often "SAH-ki" by English speakers.
tipsy — slightly intoxicated.
loaded — very drunk.
duet — a composition for two voices or instruments.
tone-deaf — unable to appreciate music.






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