2006年四月月 发布的文章



Do you need a doctor?
Please call an ambulance.
I’d like to see a doctor.
I’m not feeling well.
Could you send me a doctor?
What is wrong with you?
What are your symptoms?
Let me check you temperature.
Do you eat something unusual?
Let me check your blood pressure.
Are you taking any medication regularly?
I am not taking any medication.
Is it serious?

Are you feeling OK?
You look pale.
You don’t look well.
I don’t feel well.
She passed out.
I feel sick.
I have a stomachache.
I have a dull pain.
I have a sharp pain.
I have a throbbing pain.
I have a piercing pain.
I have a stabbing pain.
I have a diarrhea.
I have food poisoning.
I have high/low blood pressure.
I have a headache/toothache.
I feel dizzy.
I feel sluggish.
I don’t have any appetite.
I have a slight cold.
I feel chilly.
I have a bad cold.
I have a stuffy nose. (鼻子不通气)
I have a runny nose.
I have a bit of a fever.
I think I have a fever.
I have a high temperature.
I feel like throwing up.
It’s itchy.
I broke my leg.
I burned my hand.
I sprained my ankle.
I caught a cold from you.
I must stay in bed.
I have a stiff shoulders.
My eyes are tired.
Is somebody hurt?
My fever has gone down.
I can’t stop coughing.
My throat is sore.
It is bleeding.
I have got a cut here.
It hurts.
I got stung by a bee.
Do I need a operation?
Will it take long?
Is it ok to drink?
Should I be hospitalized?
I feel better.
I don’t feel any better.
Are you all right again?
He passed away.

[New Words To Me]
symptom — a characteristic sign or indication of the existence of something else.
pass out — faint.
stomachache — pain in the stomach or abdomen.
throb — to vibrate, pulsate, or sound with a steady pronounced rhythm.
diarrhea — excessive and frequent evacuation of watery feces, usually indicating gastrointestinal distress or disorder.
dizzy — having a whirling sensation and a tendency to fall.
sluggish — lacking alertness, vigor, or energy; inert or indolent.
appetite — an instinctive physical desire, especially one for food or drink.
stiff –  difficult to bend; rigid.
sore — feeling physical pain; hurting.
hospitalized — to place in a hospital for treatment, care, or observation.
pass away — die





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