本文永久链接 – https://tonybai.com/2022/02/27/go-addressable
type T struct {
a int
func (t T) M1() {
t.a = 10
func (t *T) M2() {
t.a = 11
func main() {
var t1 T
var t2 = &T{}
Go语言的类型有方法集合(method set)的概念,以上面例子来说,类型T的方法集合为{M1},而类型*T的方法集合为{M1, M2}。不过方法集合仅用于判断某类型是否实现某接口类型。当我们通过类型实例来调用方法时,Go会提供“语法糖”。上面这个例子先声明了类型T的变量t1,我们看到它不仅可以调用其方法集合中receiver参数类型为T的方法M1,它还可以直接调用不属于其方法集合的、receiver参数类型为*T的方法M2。T类型的实例t1之所以可以调用receiver参数类型为*T的方法M2都是Go编译器在背后自动进行转换的结果,即t1.M2()这种用法是Go提供的“语法糖”:Go判断t1的类型为T,与方法M2的receiver参数类型*T不一致后,会自动将t1.M2()转换为(&t1).M2()。
func main() {
T{}.M2() // 编译器错误:cannot call pointer method M2 on T
(&T{}).M1() // OK
(&T{}).M2() // OK
在这个例子中,我们通过T{}对T进行实例化后并调用receiver参数类型为*T的M2方法,但编译器报了错误:cannot call pointer method M2 on T。
“For an operand x of type T, the address operation &x generates a pointer of type *T to x. The operand must be addressable, that is, either a variable, pointer indirection, or slice indexing operation; or a field selector of an addressable struct operand; or an array indexing operation of an addressable array. As an exception to the addressability requirement, x may also be a (possibly parenthesized) composite literal. ”
- 一个变量。比如:&x
- 指针解引用(pointer indirection)。比如:&*x
- 切片下标操作。比如:&sl[2]
- 可被取地址的结构体(struct)的字段。比如:&Person.Name
- 可被取地址的数组的下标操作。比如:&arr[1]
- 如果T是一个复合类型,那么&T{}是一个例外,是合法的。
不过,Go语言规范中并没有明确说明哪些情况的操作数或值是不可被取地址的。Go 101作者老貘在其“非官方Go FAQ”中,对不可被取地址的情况做了梳理,这里我们也借鉴一下:
- 字符串中的字节元素
s := "hello"
println(&s[1]) // invalid operation: cannot take address of s[1] (value of type byte)
- map键值对中的值元素
m := make(map[string]int)
m["hello"] = 5
println(&m["hello"]) // invalid operation: cannot take address of m["hello"] (map index expression of type int)
for k, v := range m {
println(&k) // ok, 键元素是可以取地址的
_ = v
- 接口值的动态值(类型断言的结果)
var a int = 5
var i interface{} = a
println(&(i.(int))) // invalid operation: cannot take address of i.(int) (comma, ok expression of type int)
- 常量(包括具名常量和字面量)
const s = "hello" // 具名常量
println(&s) // invalid operation: cannot take address of s (untyped string constant "hello")
println(&("golang")) // invalid operation: cannot take address of "golang" (untyped string constant)
- 包级函数
func Foo() {}
func foo() {}
func main() {
f := func() {}
println(&f) //ok, 局部匿名函数可取地址
println(&Foo) // invalid operation: cannot take address of Foo (value of type func())
println(&foo) // invalid operation: cannot take address of foo (value of type func())
- 方法(用做函数值)
type T struct {
a int
func (T) M1() {}
func main() {
var t T
println(&(t.M1)) // invalid operation: cannot take address of t.M1 (value of type func())
println(&(T.M1)) // invalid operation: cannot take address of T.M1 (value of type func(T))
- 中间结果值
- 函数调用
- 显式值转换
- channel接收操作
- 子字符串操作
- 子切片操作
- 加减乘除法操作
// 函数调用
func add(a, b int) int {
return a + b
println(&(add(5, 6))) // invalid operation: cannot take address of add(5, 6) (value of type int)
// 显示值转换
var b byte = 12
println(&int(b)) // invalid operation: cannot take address of int(b) (value of type int)
// channel接收操作
var c = make(chan int)
println(&(<-c)) // invalid operation: cannot take address of <-c (comma, ok expression of type int)
// 子字符串操作
var s = "hello"
println(&(s[1:3])) // invalid operation: cannot take address of s[1:3] (value of type string)
// 子切片操作
var sl = []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
println(&(sl[1:3])) // invalid operation: cannot take address of sl[1:3] (value of type []int)
// 加减乘除操作
var a, b int = 10, 20
println(&(a + b)) // invalid operation: cannot take address of a + b (value of type int)
println(&(a - b)) // invalid operation: cannot take address of a - b (value of type int)
println(&(a * b)) // invalid operation: cannot take address of a * b (value of type int)
println(&(a / b)) // invalid operation: cannot take address of a / b (value of type int)
最后貘兄在非官方Go FAQ中也提到了&T{}是一个例外(貘兄认为是一个语法糖,&T{}被编译器替换为tmp := T{}; (&tmp)),但不代表T{}是可被取地址的。事实告诉我们:T{}不可被取地址。这也是文章开头处那个留言中问题的答案。
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