像道谢、赔礼道歉、赞扬这些内心表白的情形在我们的日常生活中还是很多见的,如你的Partner作了一件令你很满意的事情,你就可以跟他说:’Good job!’ or ‘Well done!’,可以说这些用法都是很实用的。下面就是’口语8000句’中关于’内心表白’的一些句子。

Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Much appreciated. Thank you.
Thanks for your kindness.
I appreciate your kindness.
I cannot thank you enough.
I can hardly thank you enough for your kindness.
You’ve been very helpful.
Thank you for the help.
Thanks for your time.
Thanks for everything.
Thank you anyway.
How nice!
I owe you one. 我欠你情
Thanks a lot for your present.
Thanks for saying so.
Thanks for telling me.
Thanks for waiting for me.
Thanks for asking me out.
Thanks for cheering me up.
You saved my life!
Thanks for warning me.
Thanks for coming all the way over here.
Thanks for your letter. It was very kind of you.

You are welcome.
Don’t mention it.
I’m glad I could help.

I’m sorry.
Whoops, excuse me. 啊, 对不起
I’m awfully sorry.
I’m sorry about that.
It is my fault.
Whoops, my mistake.
I feel bad about it.
I’m sorry I could not come.
I’m sorry about the other day.
Please forgive my rudeness.
I don’t know how to apologize to you.
I didn’t mean that.
I’m sorry to trouble you.
I’m really sorry for troubling you.
I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.
I wish I could…

That’s all right.
Please be more careful next time.

Let me get your coat for you.
Make yourself at home.
Do you have a minute?
Can I talk to you for a minute?
After you! 你先请
Can I give you a hand?
I’ll accept your offer/suggestion.
Sorry to interrupt you.
Sorry for the short notice. 临时紧急通知

John is incredible!
Good job!
Way to go! 好样的!
Well done!
You were great!
Good for you!
Good boy!
What a nice dress!
I like your shirt!
That is a great tie!
You have a nice car.
Where did you buy it?
I bought it at the K store.
It was on sale.
You look nice/great.
It looks nice on you.
All the credit goes to you. 都归功于你
What a man! 真是个男子汉
You have a cute son!
You look young for your age.
I appreciate your effort very much.
I envy you.
He thinks highly of you.
I need a boss I can look up to.
He’s got guts. = he is brave.

[New Words To Me]
cheer sb up — encourage sb
all the way — the whole way, 远道而…
the other day — a few days before today. 前几天
incredible — unbelievable, beyond belief or understanding, 难以置信
on sale — be sold in a lower price.
look up to — feel admiration for.

© 2006, bigwhite. 版权所有.

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