
Do you understand?
Is that clear?
Get the picture? 了解情况么
Do you know what I mean?
Are you listening to me?
Are you blind? 你不知道么
You know what I am talking about.
I said that, didn’t I?
Do you know that?
Do you happen to know …? 说不定你知道…吧
I can’t tell the difference.
Can you hear me?
Did you hear me?

I understand.
I understand very well.
I think I understand.
I see what you mean.
I know that too well.
I see your point. = I see what you mean.
I get it. 终于明白对方所说的事情
I got it. 这样啊,原来是这么回事,随意的说法
I know that much. 这点事儿我还是知道的
That solves it. 原来是这样呀。
All right, all right. I understand.
I know that person.
I know him by sight. 知道、见过面
Yeah, I heard about it.
I am following you.
Make sense. 言之有理

I don’t (really) understand.
That’s not clear.
I can’t see your point.
I can’t understand what you mean.
I’m not sure what you mean.
I don’t know what’s what. 根本不知道是怎么回事
It’s over my head.
Your guess is as good as mine.
The more I think about it, the less I understand it.
I don’t know what he is driving at. = I don’t know what he is trying to do.
What’s she after? = what is she trying to do?
I’ve no idea.
I don’t know for sure.
No one knows for sure.
How should I know? 我怎么会知道
Who knows?

What for?
Pardon me? = I beg your pardon
How about now?
Excuse me?
Did you say anything?
I’m sorry, what did you say?
So what? 那又能怎么样呢
What does it mean?
Are you saying that …
Then what? 后来怎么样了
What’s he driving at?
Would you repeat that please?
You’re speaking too quickly.
Please say it more slowly.
I can’t keep up.
Please speak a little louder.
I can’t hear you.
I couldn’t catch what you said.
What’re you talking about?

Just like me.
Was it good?
Did you have fun?
How do you like it?
Did you like it?
What do you think of it?

How did things turn out?
To make a long story short. 长话短说
Just tell me the story in a nutshell.
Let me know the circumstances/situation.
A piece of cake. 轻而易举
So far, so good. 到现在为止还好
so-so. 马马虎虎
That’s about it. 就是这样
It was nothing.
There is nothing to it.
It worked.
It needs work.
Going from bad to worse.
He made it big. 一举成名
We are set. 我们准备好了 or 问题解决了

I see.
Uh-huh. 啊哈(表示肯定答复的惊叹词)
You have?
Is that right?
That’s right.
Oh, yeah? = Is that so? 是吗
Me, too.
Neither do I.
Don’t be silly.
That’s too bad.
Are you sure?
What a shame!
What a surprise!
I hope not.
I hope so.
Unbelievable! 难以置信
No kidding! 开玩笑吧
You bet = sure, OK = No problem

Well… 嗯…
Let me see.
I mean…
It’s on the tip of my tongue. 话在嘴边
What should I say? 难以启齿的话
I don’t know quite how to put this. 我真不知道该说什么好
What do you call it?
You’ve got me 让你问住了

Say something.
Tell me more about it.
How was your trip?
I’m all ears. = I’m listening carefully.
How was the meeting?
I like to hear the story.
We had small talk.
Did you enjoy the play?
I want to talk about it now.
Shoot = Go ahead 说吧
Let’s talk in English.
Let’s have a chat.
To the point, please. 抓重点地说
How was your day?

Let’s change the subject.
Let’s get back to the subject. 言归正传
I don’t want to talk about it now.
Let’s talk about it later.
To change the subject.
Well, all joking aside, …  好了,玩笑就到此为止…
By the way,…
You were saying?
That reminds me. = I remember it.
Let’s stop talking.
I’ve heard the story before.
Let’s drop the subject.
Don’t say it so loud.

I’ve decided it.
It is up to you. = you decide = It depends on you.
This is the important point.
This is my person problem.
It is a matter of life and death. 生死攸关的大事
You are free to go or stay.
There is no turning back. 已经无可挽回
Let’s play it by ear. 走一步看一步,顺其自然
I’m sure I can do it.
I’m still unable to decide what to do.
I’ll follow her.
Let’s all get together and act as one.
I have to do it anyhow. = I must do it anyway.
It’s now or never. 机不可失,失不再来
The sooner, the better.
I’ll take a chance.
Have more guts. 再拿出点勇气来
Let’s finish it somehow.
It is worth a try.
We must function as one mind and one body. 同心同德
You just wait. 等着瞧吧
It’s all or nothing. 豁出去了,孤注一掷

[New Words To Me]
in a nutshell — summed up briefly.
gut — courage; fortitude.

© 2006, bigwhite. 版权所有.

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