标签 gomodule 下的文章


本文永久链接 – https://tonybai.com/2025/03/04/deep-dive-into-gocacheprog-custom-extensions-for-go-build-cache

1. 背景

众所周知,Go build cache是在Go 1.10版本加入到Go工具链中的,缓存的主要目标是避免重复编译相同的代码,从而加快构建速度。


除了Go build/install命令外,go test命令也会利用构建缓存(包括fuzzing test)。除了编译测试代码本身,go test还会缓存测试结果:如果测试代码和依赖项没有变化,并且之前的测试通过,go test会报告(cached),表示测试结果来自缓存,而无需重新运行测试。如果测试代码或依赖项发生变化,或者之前的测试失败,go test会重新编译和运行测试。

我们看到在GOCACHE目录下还有两个文件,一个是trim.txt,另外一个是testexpire.txt。trim.txt用于对Go构建缓存进行修剪(trim)(\$GOROOT/src/cmd/go/internal/cache/cache.go),删除不太可能被重复使用的旧缓存条目,避免因过时的缓存占用过多资源,以保持缓存的高效性和有效性,trim.txt中保存了上次进行修剪的时间。testexpire.txt则是用于go clean清理测试缓存(\$GOROOT/src/cmd/go/internal/clean/clean.go)。

默认的Go构建缓存机制取得了不错的构建和测试加速效果,可以满足了大多数需求。不过,也有一些接纳Go的开发者以及公司希望Go构建缓存支持自定义扩展。前Go核心成员、tailscale联创之一的Brad Fitzpatrick在2023年就提出了Go构建缓存自定义扩展的提案

在提案中,Bradfitz认为Go内置的构建缓存机制仅支持基于本地文件系统的缓存。在一些持续集成 (CI) 环境中,通常的做法是在每次运行时解和压缩\$GOCACHE目录,这种方法效率低下,甚至可能比CI操作本身还要慢(例如,GitHub Actions 中的缓存)。提案希望Go能够支持更灵活地自定义构建缓存机制,例如:

  • 直接利用GitHub的原生缓存系统(而不是低效的 tar/untar)。
  • 在公司内部的可信同事之间实现P2P缓存共享协议。



在《Go 1.24中值得关注的几个变化》以及《Go 1.24新特性前瞻:工具链和标准库》我们也提及了Go 1.24新增的实验特性:通过GOCACHEPROG实现Go构建缓存(go build cache)的自定义扩展。并提到了Bradfitz给出的GOCACHEPROG的参考实现go-tool-cache。不过Go 1.24正式版发布后,我使用Go 1.24.0验证了一下go-tool-cache,发现go-tool-cache似乎已经无法与Go 1.24.0正常协作了

$go version
go version go1.24.0 linux/amd64
$GOCACHEPROG="./go-cacher --verbose --cache-dir /tmp/go-cache" go install fmt
2025/03/03 17:00:30 put(action b8310cbc256f74a5f615df68a3a97753d42e1665adc309e78f20fc13259dec98, obj , 902 bytes): failed to write file to disk with right size: disk=1275; wanted=902
2025/03/03 17:00:30 put(action bc54b2b00ab97b34ef769b66fbe4afd5998f46f843cf2beddcd41974a2564bb1, obj , 1650 bytes): failed to write file to disk with right size: disk=116838; wanted=1650
2025/03/03 17:00:30 put(action 9c4f13b659995a6010f99d4427a18cf2e77919d251ef15e0f751bfdc2dff1806, obj , 1473 bytes): failed to write file to disk with right size: disk=273; wanted=1473
2025/03/03 17:00:30 put(action 6600d21f6b5d283315d789f13e681eed1c51d3ddde835b0f14817ecd144a667e, obj , 566 bytes): failed to write file to disk with right size: disk=565; wanted=566
/root/.bin/go1.24.0/src/internal/runtime/maps/runtime_swiss.go:11:2: package internal/asan is not in std (/root/.bin/go1.24.0/src/internal/asan)
/root/.bin/go1.24.0/src/internal/runtime/maps/group.go:10:2: package internal/runtime/sys is not in std (/root/.bin/go1.24.0/src/internal/runtime/sys)
/root/.bin/go1.24.0/src/fmt/print.go:8:2: package internal/fmtsort is not in std (/root/.bin/go1.24.0/src/internal/fmtsort)
/root/.bin/go1.24.0/src/sync/hashtriemap.go:10:2: package internal/sync is not in std (/root/.bin/go1.24.0/src/internal/sync)

修正这个问题还是新实现一个GOCACHEPROG的扩展程序呢?我们选择后者,这样可以让我们更好地从头理解GOCACHEPROG。在这篇文章中,我们会从理解GOCACHEPROG protocol开始,逐步深入到实现自定义缓存管理的具体步骤,包括代码示例。后续基于这个基础,大家可以自己动手,实现满足你的个人/组织需求的Go构建缓存的管理程序。


2. 协议


前面说过,GOCACHEPROG是Go 1.24引入的新实验特性(很大可能在Go 1.25版本转正),允许使用外部程序实现Go构建缓存。其间的通信协议基于JSON消息通过stdin/stdout进行交换。Go命令将GOCACHEPROG指定的程序(以下称为my-cache-prog)以child process的形式启动,之后my-cache-prog与go命令之间的通信过程大致如下:

  • 初始化: my-cache-prog启动后立即发送一个包含自身支持命令的Response消息(也称为init response,对应的ID=0)给Go命令。
  • 请求-响应模型: Go命令收到init response后,根据其支持的命令,发送Request,缓存程序my-cache-prog收到请求后进行处理,并回复Response


  • put: 将对象存储到缓存中。
  • get: 从缓存中检索对象。
  • close: 请求缓存程序优雅退出。



// $GOROOT/src/cmd/go/internal/cacheprog/cacheprog.go

// Cmd is a command that can be issued to a child process.
// If the interface needs to grow, the go command can add new commands or new
// versioned commands like "get2" in the future. The initial [Response] from
// the child process indicates which commands it supports.
type Cmd string

const (
    // CmdPut tells the cache program to store an object in the cache.
    // [Request.ActionID] is the cache key of this object. The cache should
    // store [Request.OutputID] and [Request.Body] under this key for a
    // later "get" request. It must also store the Body in a file in the local
    // file system and return the path to that file in [Response.DiskPath],
    // which must exist at least until a "close" request.
    CmdPut = Cmd("put")

    // CmdGet tells the cache program to retrieve an object from the cache.
    // [Request.ActionID] specifies the key of the object to get. If the
    // cache does not contain this object, it should set [Response.Miss] to
    // true. Otherwise, it should populate the fields of [Response],
    // including setting [Response.OutputID] to the OutputID of the original
    // "put" request and [Response.DiskPath] to the path of a local file
    // containing the Body of the original "put" request. That file must
    // continue to exist at least until a "close" request.
    CmdGet = Cmd("get")

    // CmdClose requests that the cache program exit gracefully.
    // The cache program should reply to this request and then exit
    // (thus closing its stdout).
    CmdClose = Cmd("close")

// Request is the JSON-encoded message that's sent from the go command to
// the GOCACHEPROG child process over stdin. Each JSON object is on its own
// line. A ProgRequest of Type "put" with BodySize > 0 will be followed by a
// line containing a base64-encoded JSON string literal of the body.
type Request struct {
    // ID is a unique number per process across all requests.
    // It must be echoed in the Response from the child.
    ID int64

    // Command is the type of request.
    // The go command will only send commands that were declared
    // as supported by the child.
    Command Cmd

    // ActionID is the cache key for "put" and "get" requests.
    ActionID []byte `json:",omitempty"` // or nil if not used

    // OutputID is stored with the body for "put" requests.
    // Prior to Go 1.24, when GOCACHEPROG was still an experiment, this was
    // accidentally named ObjectID. It was renamed to OutputID in Go 1.24.
    OutputID []byte `json:",omitempty"` // or nil if not used

    // Body is the body for "put" requests. It's sent after the JSON object
    // as a base64-encoded JSON string when BodySize is non-zero.
    // It's sent as a separate JSON value instead of being a struct field
    // send in this JSON object so large values can be streamed in both directions.
    // The base64 string body of a Request will always be written
    // immediately after the JSON object and a newline.
    Body io.Reader `json:"-"`

    // BodySize is the number of bytes of Body. If zero, the body isn't written.
    BodySize int64 `json:",omitempty"`

    // ObjectID is the accidental spelling of OutputID that was used prior to Go
    // 1.24.
    // Deprecated: use OutputID. This field is only populated temporarily for
    // backwards compatibility with Go 1.23 and earlier when
    // GOEXPERIMENT=gocacheprog is set. It will be removed in Go 1.25.
    ObjectID []byte `json:",omitempty"`

// Response is the JSON response from the child process to the go command.
// With the exception of the first protocol message that the child writes to its
// stdout with ID==0 and KnownCommands populated, these are only sent in
// response to a Request from the go command.
// Responses can be sent in any order. The ID must match the request they're
// replying to.
type Response struct {
    ID  int64  // that corresponds to Request; they can be answered out of order
    Err string `json:",omitempty"` // if non-empty, the error

    // KnownCommands is included in the first message that cache helper program
    // writes to stdout on startup (with ID==0). It includes the
    // Request.Command types that are supported by the program.
    // This lets the go command extend the protocol gracefully over time (adding
    // "get2", etc), or fail gracefully when needed. It also lets the go command
    // verify the program wants to be a cache helper.
    KnownCommands []Cmd `json:",omitempty"`

    // For "get" requests.

    Miss     bool       `json:",omitempty"` // cache miss
    OutputID []byte     `json:",omitempty"` // the ObjectID stored with the body
    Size     int64      `json:",omitempty"` // body size in bytes
    Time     *time.Time `json:",omitempty"` // when the object was put in the cache (optional; used for cache expiration)

    // For "get" and "put" requests.

    // DiskPath is the absolute path on disk of the body corresponding to a
    // "get" (on cache hit) or "put" request's ActionID.
    DiskPath string `json:",omitempty"`


  • ID: 每个进程中所有请求的唯一编号
  • Command: 请求类型(put/get/close)
  • ActionID: 缓存键
  • OutputID: 存储在缓存中的对象ID,实际也是Body数据的Sha256的值。
  • Body: “put”请求的主体数据,”get”和”close”请求没有Body。
  • BodySize: Body的字节数


  • ID: 对应请求的ID
  • Err: 错误信息(如有)
  • KnownCommands: 支持的命令列表(用于初始Response)
  • Miss: 缓存未命中标志
  • OutputID: 存储在缓存中的对象ID
  • Size: 主体大小(字节)
  • Time: 对象放入缓存的时间
  • DiskPath: 对应缓存项在磁盘上的绝对路径


  • 除了init Response,其他Response可以乱序返回,Go命令会通过Response中的ID来匹配对应的Request。
  • 不论缓存数据存储在哪里,最终提供给Go命令的都应该在本地文件系统中,并通过Response中的DiskPath来指示该数据对应的绝对路径。



// $GOROOT/src/cmd/go/internal/cache/prog.go

func (c *ProgCache) writeToChild(req *cacheprog.Request, resc chan<- *cacheprog.Response) (err error) {
    if c.inFlight == nil {
        return errCacheprogClosed
    req.ID = c.nextID
    c.inFlight[req.ID] = resc

    defer func() {
        if err != nil {
            if c.inFlight != nil {
                delete(c.inFlight, req.ID)

    defer c.writeMu.Unlock()

    if err := c.jenc.Encode(req); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := c.bw.WriteByte('\n'); err != nil {
        return err
    if req.Body != nil && req.BodySize > 0 {
        if err := c.bw.WriteByte('"'); err != nil {
            return err
        e := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, c.bw)
        wrote, err := io.Copy(e, req.Body)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        if err := e.Close(); err != nil {
            return nil
        if wrote != req.BodySize {
            return fmt.Errorf("short write writing body to GOCACHEPROG for action %x, output %x: wrote %v; expected %v",
                req.ActionID, req.OutputID, wrote, req.BodySize)
        if _, err := c.bw.WriteString("\"\n"); err != nil {
            return err
    if err := c.bw.Flush(); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil



  • 顶部(蓝色区域): JSON编码的请求元数据


  • 中间(黄色条): 换行符分隔符(‘\n’)


  • 中部(绿色区域): Base64编码的请求体(可选)


  • 底部(黄色条): 最终换行符(‘\n’)






3. 实现

3.1 整体设计


├── cmd/
│   └── go-cache-prog/
│       └── main.go      (可执行程序入口)
├── protocol/
│   └── protocol.go  (请求/响应定义和解析)
├── storage/
│   ├── storage.go   (存储后端接口)
│   └── filesystem/
│       └── filesystem.go (基于本地文件系统的存储实现)
└── cache/
    └── cache.go     (内存缓存逻辑)
  • cmd/go-cache-prog/main.go: 这是可执行程序的入口点。


// cmd/go-cache-prog/main.go  (部分)
func main() {
    // ... (参数解析、日志设置、缓存目录确定) ...

    store, err := filesystem.NewFileSystemStorage(cacheDir, verbose)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Failed to initialize filesystem storage: %v", err)
    cacheInstance := cache.NewCache(store)

    // ... (发送初始响应) ...
    requestHandler := protocol.NewRequestHandler(reader, os.Stdout, cacheInstance, verbose)

    if err := requestHandler.HandleRequests(); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Error handling requests: %v", err)
  • protocol: 此包处理与go命令的通信协议,定义请求/响应结构,处理请求。
// protocol/protocol.go (部分)
type RequestHandler struct {
    reader        *bufio.Reader
    writer        io.Writer
    cache         *cache.Cache
    verbose       bool
    gets          int //statistics
    getMiss       int

func (rh *RequestHandler) HandleRequests() error {
    for {
        req, err := rh.readRequest()
        // ... (错误处理、请求处理) ...
  • storage: 此包定义了存储后端的抽象接口。
// storage/storage.go
type Storage interface {
    Put(actionID, outputID []byte, data []byte, size int64) (string, error)
    Get(actionID []byte) (outputID []byte, size int64, modTime time.Time, diskPath string, found bool, err error)
    // ... (可选方法) ...
  • storage/filesystem: 此包提供了storage.Storage接口的一个具体实现,使用本地文件系统。
// storage/filesystem/filesystem.go (部分)
type FileSystemStorage struct {
    baseDir string
    verbose bool

func NewFileSystemStorage(baseDir string, verbose bool) (*FileSystemStorage, error) {
    // ... (创建目录) ...
  • cache: 此包实现了内存缓存层, 位于存储接口之上。
// cache/cache.go (部分)
type Cache struct {
    entries map[string]CacheEntry
    mu      sync.RWMutex
    store   storage.Storage

func NewCache(store storage.Storage) *Cache {
    // ... (初始化 map) ...

3.2 协议解析


  • 请求 (Request):
// protocol/protocol.go
type Request struct {
    ID       int64
    Command  Cmd
    ActionID []byte `json:",omitempty"`
    OutputID []byte `json:",omitempty"`
    Body     io.Reader `json:"-"`
    BodySize int64   `json:",omitempty"`
    ObjectID []byte `json:",omitempty"` // Deprecated
  • 响应 (Response):
// protocol/protocol.go
type Response struct {
    ID            int64      `json:",omitempty"`
    Err           string     `json:",omitempty"`
    KnownCommands []Cmd      `json:",omitempty"`
    Miss          bool       `json:",omitempty"`
    OutputID      []byte     `json:",omitempty"`
    Size          int64      `json:",omitempty"`
    Time          *time.Time `json:",omitempty"`
    DiskPath      string     `json:",omitempty"`


// protocol/protocol.go (部分)
func (rh *RequestHandler) readRequest() (*Request, error) {
    line, err := rh.reader.ReadBytes('\n')
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    // ... (处理空行) ...
    var req Request
    if err := json.Unmarshal(line, &req); err != nil {
        // 检查base64
        if len(line) >= 2 && line[0] == '"' && line[len(line)-1] == '"'{
            // ...
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal request: %w", err)
    return &req, nil

对于put请求, 如果BodySize大于0, 需要读取并解码Base64数据:

// protocol/protocol.go (部分)
func (rh *RequestHandler) handlePut(req *Request) {
    var bodyData []byte
    if req.BodySize > 0 {
        bodyLine, err := rh.reader.ReadBytes('\n')
        // ... (跳过空行)...
        bodyLine, err = rh.reader.ReadBytes('\n')
        // ... (错误处理) ...

        bodyLine = bytes.TrimSpace(bodyLine)
        if len(bodyLine) < 2 || bodyLine[0] != '"' || bodyLine[len(bodyLine)-1] != '"' {
            // ... (格式错误) ...
        base64Body := bodyLine[1 : len(bodyLine)-1]
        bodyData, err = base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(string(base64Body))
        // ... (解码错误、大小不匹配处理) ...
    // ... (调用 cache.Put) ...

3.3 缓存管理


  • CacheEntry结构体:
// cache/cache.go
type CacheEntry struct {
    OutputID []byte
    Size     int64
    Time     time.Time
    DiskPath string
  • Cache结构体和NewCache:
// cache/cache.go
type Cache struct {
    entries map[string]CacheEntry
    mu      sync.RWMutex
    store   storage.Storage

func NewCache(store storage.Storage) *Cache {
    return &Cache{
        entries: make(map[string]CacheEntry),
        store:   store,
  • Put方法:
// cache/cache.go
func (c *Cache) Put(actionID, outputID []byte, data []byte, size int64) (string, error) {
    diskPath, err := c.store.Put(actionID, outputID, data, size)
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    entry := CacheEntry{ /* ... */ }

    actionIDHex := fmt.Sprintf("%x", actionID)
    c.entries[actionIDHex] = entry

    return diskPath, nil
  • Get方法:
// cache/cache.go
func (c *Cache) Get(actionID []byte) (*CacheEntry, bool, error) {
    actionIDHex := fmt.Sprintf("%x", actionID)

    entry, exists := c.entries[actionIDHex]

    if exists {
        return &entry, true, nil // 优先从内存缓存读取

    // ... (从存储中读取, 并更新内存缓存) ...

3.4 抽象存储接口与本地文件系统实现


// storage/storage.go
type Storage interface {
    Put(actionID, outputID []byte, data []byte, size int64) (string, error)
    Get(actionID []byte) (outputID []byte, size int64, modTime time.Time, diskPath string, found bool, err error)


  • FileSystemStorage和NewFileSystemStorage:
// storage/filesystem/filesystem.go
type FileSystemStorage struct {
    baseDir string
    verbose bool

func NewFileSystemStorage(baseDir string, verbose bool) (*FileSystemStorage, error) {
    if err := os.MkdirAll(baseDir, 0755); err != nil {
        return nil, err
    return &FileSystemStorage{baseDir: baseDir, verbose: verbose}, nil
  • Put方法:
// storage/filesystem/filesystem.go
func (fss *FileSystemStorage) Put(actionID, outputID []byte, data []byte, size int64) (string, error) {
    actionIDHex := fmt.Sprintf("%x", actionID)
    //outputIDHex := fmt.Sprintf("%x", outputID) //Might not need

    actionFile := filepath.Join(fss.baseDir, fmt.Sprintf("a-%s", actionIDHex))
    diskPath := filepath.Join(fss.baseDir, fmt.Sprintf("o-%s", actionIDHex))
    absPath, _ := filepath.Abs(diskPath)

    // Write metadata
    now := time.Now()
    ie, err := json.Marshal(indexEntry{
        Version:  1,
        OutputID: outputID,
        Size:     size,
        Time:     &now,
    // ... (错误处理, 写入元数据文件) ...
    if size > 0{
        // 写入数据文件
        if err := os.WriteFile(diskPath, data, 0644); err != nil {
            return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to write cache file: %w", err)
    } else {
        zf, err := os.OpenFile(diskPath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, 0644)
        if err != nil {
            return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to create empty file: %w", err)

    return absPath, nil
  • Get方法:
// storage/filesystem/filesystem.go
func (fss *FileSystemStorage) Get(actionID []byte) (outputID []byte, size int64, modTime time.Time, diskPath string, found bool, err error) {
    actionIDHex := fmt.Sprintf("%x", actionID)
    actionFile := filepath.Join(fss.baseDir, fmt.Sprintf("a-%s", actionIDHex))

    // Read metadata
    af, err := os.ReadFile(actionFile)
    // ... (文件不存在处理) ...
    var ie indexEntry
    if err := json.Unmarshal(af, &ie); err != nil {
        return nil, 0, time.Time{}, "", false, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal index entry: %w", err)

    objectFile := filepath.Join(fss.baseDir, fmt.Sprintf("o-%s", actionIDHex))
    info, err := os.Stat(objectFile)
    // ... (对象文件不存在、或其他错误处理) ...
    diskPath, _ = filepath.Abs(objectFile)

    return ie.OutputID, info.Size(), info.ModTime(), diskPath, true, nil


  • a-{actionID} (Action File): 元数据文件


  • o-{actionID} (Object File): 对象文件。

这个文件存储了实际的缓存数据(即Request.Body的内容)。actionID 与对应的元数据文件中的actionID 相同。

对于一些Put请求(with BodySize=0)的,同样会创建元数据文件和对象文件,只是对象文件的size为0。

这么设计便于快速查找:在执行Get操作时,go-cache-prog首先读取a-{actionID}文件。这个文件很小,因为它只包含元数据。通过读取这个文件,go-cache-prog可以快速确定:缓存条目是否存在(如果 a-{actionID} 文件不存在,则肯定不存在)。 如果存在,可以获取到OutputID、数据大小(Size)和最后修改时间(Time),并放入内存缓存中,而无需读取可能很大的o-{actionID}文件,便可以知道对象文件(o-{actionID})是否存在。

4. 验证


$git clone https://github.com/bigwhite/go-cache-prog.git

注意:go-cache-prog需要与Go 1.24及以上版本配合使用。


$GOCACHEPROG="./go-cache-prog --verbose" go install fmt
2025/03/04 10:47:59 Using cache directory: /Users/tonybai/.gocacheprog
2025/03/04 10:47:59 Received request: ID=1, Command=get, ActionID=90c776cb58a3c3a99b5622344df5bc959fd2b90f299b40ae21ec6ccf16c77a23, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:47:59 Received request: ID=2, Command=put, ActionID=90c776cb58a3c3a99b5622344df5bc959fd2b90f299b40ae21ec6ccf16c77a23, OutputID=4e67091862cdc5ff3d44d51adaf9f5a3f5e993dcbc0b6aad884d00d929f3f4d3, BodySize=3037
2025/03/04 10:47:59 Put request: ID=2, Actual BodyLen=4055
2025/03/04 10:47:59 Received request: ID=3, Command=get, ActionID=b2d3027bda366ae198f991d65f62b5be25aa7fe41092bb81218ba24363923b69, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:47:59 Received request: ID=4, Command=get, ActionID=c48dafcc394ccfed5c334ef2e21ba8b5bd09a883956f17601cf8a3123f8afd2b, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:47:59 Received request: ID=5, Command=get, ActionID=b16400d94b83897b0e7a54ee4223208ff85b4926808bcae66e488d2dbab85054, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:47:59 Received request: ID=6, Command=get, ActionID=789f5b8e5b2390e56d26ac916b6f082bfb3e807ee34302f8aa0310e6e225ac77, OutputID=, BodySize=0

... ...
2025/03/04 10:48:03 Received request: ID=321, Command=close, ActionID=, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:48:03 Gets: 107, GetMiss: 107


$ls ~/.gocacheprog
... ...


$GOCACHEPROG="./go-cache-prog --verbose" go install fmt
2025/03/04 10:50:14 Using cache directory: /Users/tonybai/.gocacheprog
2025/03/04 10:50:14 Received request: ID=1, Command=get, ActionID=90c776cb58a3c3a99b5622344df5bc959fd2b90f299b40ae21ec6ccf16c77a23, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:50:14 Received request: ID=2, Command=get, ActionID=c48dafcc394ccfed5c334ef2e21ba8b5bd09a883956f17601cf8a3123f8afd2b, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:50:14 Received request: ID=3, Command=get, ActionID=b16400d94b83897b0e7a54ee4223208ff85b4926808bcae66e488d2dbab85054, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:50:14 Received request: ID=4, Command=get, ActionID=789f5b8e5b2390e56d26ac916b6f082bfb3e807ee34302f8aa0310e6e225ac77, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:50:14 Received request: ID=5, Command=get, ActionID=c6e6427a15f95d70621df48cc68ab039075d66c1087427eb9a04bcf729c5b491, OutputID=, BodySize=0
... ...
2025/03/04 10:50:14 Received request: ID=161, Command=close, ActionID=, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:50:14 Gets: 160, GetMiss: 0

我们看到所有的Get请求都命中了缓存(GetMiss: 0),此次执行也肉眼可见的快!

我们再来用一个可执行程序验证一下利用build cache的构建。在go-cache-prog项目下有一个examples/helloworld示例,在该目录下执行make,我们就能看到构建的输出:

$cd examples/helloworld
GOCACHEPROG="../../go-cache-prog --verbose" go build
2025/03/04 10:54:35 Using cache directory: /Users/tonybai/.gocacheprog
2025/03/04 10:54:35 Received request: ID=1, Command=get, ActionID=7c1950a92d55fae91254e8923f7ea4cdfd2ce34953bcf2348ba851be3e2402a1, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:54:35 Received request: ID=2, Command=put, ActionID=7c1950a92d55fae91254e8923f7ea4cdfd2ce34953bcf2348ba851be3e2402a1, OutputID=43b1c1a308784cd610fda967d781d3c5ccfd4950263df98d18a2ddb2dd218f5a, BodySize=251
2025/03/04 10:54:35 Put request: ID=2, Actual BodyLen=339
2025/03/04 10:54:35 Received request: ID=3, Command=get, ActionID=90c776cb58a3c3a99b5622344df5bc959fd2b90f299b40ae21ec6ccf16c77a23, OutputID=, BodySize=0

... ...
2025/03/04 10:54:35 Received request: ID=165, Command=close, ActionID=, OutputID=, BodySize=0
2025/03/04 10:54:35 Gets: 163, GetMiss: 1



hello, world!

5. 小结

本文深入探讨了Go 1.24引入的GOCACHEPROG这一实验性特性,它为Go构建缓存带来了前所未有的灵活性。通过允许开发者使用自定义程序来管理构建缓存,GOCACHEPROG解决了Go内置缓存机制在特定场景下的局限性,特别是CI环境和团队协作中的痛点。




  • 不同的存储后端:实现storage.Storage接口,支持将缓存数据存储到云存储(如 AWS S3、Google Cloud Storage)、分布式缓存(如 Redis、Memcached)或其他存储系统中。
  • 缓存失效策略:实现更复杂的缓存失效策略,例如基于 LRU(最近最少使用)或 TTL(生存时间)的过期机制。
  • 分布式缓存:构建一个分布式的缓存系统,支持在多个开发机器或 CI 节点之间共享构建缓存。
  • 监控和统计:添加监控和统计功能,跟踪缓存命中率、缓存大小、性能指标等。


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  • 微博2:https://weibo.com/u/6484441286
  • 博客:tonybai.com
  • github: https://github.com/bigwhite
  • Gopher Daily归档 – https://github.com/bigwhite/gopherdaily
  • Gopher Daily Feed订阅 – https://gopherdaily.tonybai.com/feed


探索Go gcflags的使用模式与完整参数选项列表

本文永久链接 – https://tonybai.com/2025/01/22/gcflags-options-list-and-usage

Go build是Go开发中不可或缺的构建工具,其中-gcflags参数为开发者提供了向编译器传递额外选项的能力。然而,关于-gcflags的完整参数选项和使用模式,官方文档多有局限,很多开发者对此了解不深。本文将系统性地解析-gcflags的完整参数来源以及其结合包模式(package pattern)的使用方法,供大家参考。

注:本文主要以-gcflags为例,其实go build的-ldflags参数与-gcflags在使用方法上如出一辙,唯一不同的是ldflags是将参数传递给go链接器。

gcflags是Go构建工具的一个标志,用于向Go编译器 (go tool compile) 传递额外的编译参数。通过它,开发者可以调整编译行为,例如禁用优化、生成调试信息或输出反汇编代码等。

Go build文档中关于-gcflags的说明很短小精悍:

$go help build
... ...
    -gcflags '[pattern=]arg list'
        arguments to pass on each go tool compile invocation.
    -ldflags '[pattern=]arg list'
        arguments to pass on each go tool link invocation.
... ...

The -asmflags, -gccgoflags, -gcflags, and -ldflags flags accept a space-separated list of arguments to pass to an underlying tool during the build. To embed spaces in an element in the list, surround it with either single or double quotes. The argument list may be preceded by a package pattern and an equal sign, which restricts the use of that argument list to the building of packages matching that pattern (see 'go help packages' for a description of package patterns). Without a pattern, the argument list applies only to the packages named on the command line. The flags may be repeated with different patterns in order to specify different arguments for different sets of packages. If a package matches patterns given in multiple flags, the latest match on the command line wins. For example, 'go build -gcflags=-S fmt' prints the disassembly only for package fmt, while 'go build -gcflags=all=-S fmt' prints the disassembly for fmt and all its dependencies.

... ...

多数Go初学者初次看到上述关于gcflags的说明,都无法知道到底有哪些arg可用以及究竟如何使用gcflags,而Go cmd文档中关于gcflags的内容也仅限于上述这些。


  • gcflags的完整参数选项列表在哪里可以找到?
  • gcflags的使用模式,尤其是其中的package pattern应该如何正确使用?



在哪里能查找到gcflags可用的全部参数选项呢?go help build不行,go command的web文档中没有!甚至Go tool compile的web文档中列举的gcflag的参数列表也是不全的(或者说是文档没有及时同步最新的参数列表变化),也许我们应该提一个issue给Go团队^_^。


$go tool compile -h
usage: compile [options] file.go...
  -%    debug non-static initializers
  -+    compiling runtime
  -B    disable bounds checking
  -C    disable printing of columns in error messages
  -D path
        set relative path for local imports
  -E    debug symbol export
  -I directory
        add directory to import search path
  -K    debug missing line numbers
  -L    also show actual source file names in error messages for positions affected by //line directives
  -N    disable optimizations
  -S    print assembly listing
  -V    print version and exit
  -W    debug parse tree after type checking
        build code compatible with C/C++ address sanitizer
  -asmhdr file
        write assembly header to file
... ...


$go tool link -h
usage: link [options] main.o
  -B note
        add an ELF NT_GNU_BUILD_ID note when using ELF; use "gobuildid" to generate it from the Go build ID
  -E entry
        set entry symbol name
  -H type
        set header type
  -I linker
        use linker as ELF dynamic linker
  -L directory
        add specified directory to library path
  -R quantum
        set address rounding quantum (default -1)
  -T int
        set the start address of text symbols (default -1)
  -V    print version and exit
  -X definition
        add string value definition of the form importpath.name=value
  -a    no-op (deprecated)
        enable ASan interface
... ...



根据go help build的输出,我们知道-gcflags的使用形式如下:

-gcflags '[pattern=]arg list'


  • [pattern=](可选):包模式(package pattern),用于作用范围控制,即限定参数仅应用于特定的包。如果省略此部分,则参数仅适用于命令行中指定的包。
  • arg list:参数选项列表,多个参数以空格分隔。



  • ./…:匹配当前目录及其所有子目录中的包。
  • /DIR/…:匹配/DIR及其子目录中的包。
  • cmd/…:匹配Go仓库中cmd目录下的所有命令包。
  • github.com/user/repo/…:匹配该github仓库中的所有包。
  • all:GOPATH模式下,匹配的是所有GOPATH路径中的包,Go module模式下,all匹配主模块及其所有依赖的包(包括测试依赖)。
  • std:仅匹配标准库包。
  • cmd:匹配Go仓库中的Go命令及其内部包(internal)。


  • 对单个包设置参数
$go build -gcflags=-S fmt


  • 对特定模式(比如all/std等)的包设置参数
$go build -gcflags='all=-N -l'

在Go module模式下,参数-N和-l应用于当前主模块所有包及其依赖,禁用优化和内联。

  • 对不同包模式设置不同参数
$go build -gcflags='fmt=-S' -gcflags='net/http=-N'

Go build命令行中可以多次使用-gcflags,上述命令中的第一个gcflags对fmt包启用反汇编输出(-S)。第二个gcflags对net/http包禁用优化(-N)。

  • 模式的优先级
$go build -gcflags='all=-N' -gcflags='fmt=-S'




  • gcflags(以及-ldflags)是Go构建工具中的重要选项,能极大提升调试和优化效率。
  • gcflags的完整的参数选项需通过底层工具获取,即go tool compile -h和go tool link -h。
  • 对包模式的灵活使用能够精确控制gcflags参数的作用范围,为复杂项目提供了更大的自由度。


。让我相聚在Gopher部落,享受coding的快乐! 欢迎大家踊跃加入!



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