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Retired 'bootsect.S'

We know that the latest linux kernel version is 2.6.x, which is different from the ‘old kernels’ in booting. The ‘bootsect.S’, which used to make the kernel image in the floppy disk bootable in the early days, becomes useless in linux kernel 2.6.x today, although it is still a part of the kernel image.

We know that ‘bootsect.S’ is usu placed in the first 512 bytes of the kernel image and installed in the first sector of some medium on which the kernel image is installed. the mediums usu include hard disk (or the active partition of the hard disk) and floppy disk. As a minimal ‘bootloader’ included in kernel images of earlier linux versions up to the 2.4, the ‘bootsect.S’ is in duty bound to copy the left kernel image from medium to main memory when we boot linux from the floppy disk and then execute the loaded code in order to complete its mission. when we boot linux from hard disk, the ‘bootsect.S’ does nothing actively but to be checked by other booting routine stored in BIOS(Basic Input/Output System) or MBR(Master Boot Record). Today if you wanna boot linux 2.6.x from a floppy disk, you have to select a suitable bootloader yourself, just like that you boot linux from hard disk, since the ‘bootsect.S’ has retired.

Here list the source code of ‘bootsect.S’ and some comments of mine. let us go and see what the retired ‘bootsect.S’ really does! (my comments usu occur following the symbol ‘!’)

 * bootsect.S  Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 Linus Torvalds
 * modified by Drew Eckhardt
 * modified by Bruce Evans (bde)
 * modified by Chris Noe (May 1999) (as86 -> gas)
 * gutted by H. Peter Anvin (Jan 2003)
 * BIG FAT NOTE: We’re in real mode using 64k segments.  Therefore segment
 * addresses must be multiplied by 16 to obtain their respective linear
 * addresses. To avoid confusion, linear addresses are written using leading
 * hex while segment addresses are written as segment:offset.
 * ! $(linux-

/* ! I found this header file in $(linux- */

 * ! DEF_INITSEG   0×9000
 * ! DEF_SYSSEG    0×1000
 * ! DEF_SETUPSEG  0×9020
 * ! DEF_SYSSIZE   0x7F00
 * ! These macros above are defined in ‘boot.h’ and
 * ! the values of the first three of them
 * ! used to be stored into ‘cs’ register
SETUPSECTS = 4   /* default nr of setup-sectors */
BOOTSEG  = 0x07C0  /* original address of boot-sector */
INITSEG  = DEF_INITSEG  /* we move boot here – out of the way */
SETUPSEG = DEF_SETUPSEG  /* setup starts here */
SYSSEG  = DEF_SYSSEG  /* system loaded at 0×10000 (65536) */
SYSSIZE  = DEF_SYSSIZE  /* system size: # of 16-byte clicks */
                                            /* to be loaded */
 * ! Here no matter what the ‘ROOT_DEV’ is is insignificant.
 * ! When kernel image builds, this ‘ROOT_DEV’ will be reset.
 * ! And so does ‘SWAP_DEV’.
 * ! ‘ROOT_DEV’ is variable which represents the type of the device
 * ! in which the root file system stores.
 * ! ‘ROOT_DEV = 0′ means the same type of floopy as boot. 
ROOT_DEV = 0    /* ROOT_DEV is now written by "build" */
SWAP_DEV = 0   /* SWAP_DEV is now written by "build" */

#ifndef SVGA_MODE

#ifndef RAMDISK
#define RAMDISK 0

#define ROOT_RDONLY 1

 * !Now we are running in 16-bit real mode, neither in
 * ! 32-bit real mode nor in 32-bit protected mode

.global _start

  * ! jmpl is an ‘jump’ instruction which
  * ! jumps between segments.
  * ! the instruction below first stores the
  * ! immediate number ‘$BOOTSEG’ into ‘CS’
  * ! register and stores the address of label
  * ! ‘start2′ into ‘EIP’ register, and then jumps
  * ! to label ‘start2′ to execute.
  * ! Now, R[%cs] = $BOOTSEG = 0x07C0
 # Normalize the start address
 jmpl $BOOTSEG, $start2

  * ! initialize some general registers
  * ! R[%ds] = R[%es] = R[%ss] = 0x07C0
  * ! R[%sp] = 0x7c00
 movw %cs, %ax
 movw %ax, %ds
 movw %ax, %es
 movw %ax, %ss
 movw $0x7c00, %sp

  * ! sti – set the interrupt flag
  * ! cld – clear ‘df’(direction flag). after it executed,
  * !       string operations will increment the index
  * !       registers (si and/or di) that they use

  * ! store the address of ‘bugger_off_msg’
  * ! into register ‘si’(source-index register)
 movw $bugger_off_msg, %si

  * ! this loop prints the ‘bugger_off_msg’ on screen
  * ! and jumps to ‘die’ label.
  * ! lodsb loads ‘al’ register with single memory
  * ! byte at the position pointed to by ‘si’ register
  * ! after the executing, the ‘si’ is automatically
  * ! increased or decreased according to the ‘df’.
 andb %al, %al
 jz die
 movb $0xe, %ah
 movw $7, %bx
 int $0×10
 jmp msg_loop

  * ! the computer dies and you have to reboot.
 # Allow the user to press a key, then reboot
 xorw %ax, %ax

  * ! int 16h – bios interrupt to give user
  * ! a chance to enter something from the keyboard
 int $0×16
 int $0×19

 # int 0×19 should never return.  In case it does anyway,
 # invoke the BIOS reset code…
 ljmp $0xf000,$0xfff0

 .ascii "Direct booting from floppy is no longer supported.\r\n"
 .ascii "Please use a boot loader program instead.\r\n"
 .ascii "\n"
 .ascii "Remove disk and press any key to reboot . . .\r\n"
 .byte 0

 # Kernel attributes; used by setup

  * ! variables below are important since
  * ! they would be refered by ‘setup.S’
  * ! the total size of these variables is
  * ! 15 bytes, 497 + 15 = 512 :)
  * ! the last word is ’0xAA55′, which indicates
  * ! this is a boot sector
 .org 497
setup_sects: .byte SETUPSECTS
root_flags: .word ROOT_RDONLY
syssize: .word SYSSIZE
swap_dev: .word SWAP_DEV
ram_size: .word RAMDISK
vid_mode: .word SVGA_MODE
root_dev: .word ROOT_DEV
boot_flag: .word 0xAA55

/* ! end of bootsect.S */

Thus, we know that the retired ‘bootsect.S’ only tells us it has retired.


一个月以前在Ubuntu上订购了Ubuntu Linux 5.10发行版,今天终于拿到手了^_^。

在Linux发行版世界,大家最熟悉的几种发行版包括RedHat(或其开源版Fedora)、Debian、SuSE等,提到Ubuntu这个奇怪的名字大家都会感到陌生,在一个多月前我也不例外。Ubuntu是一个基于Debian的Linux操作系统发行版,它完全免费,这次我收到的Ubuntu光盘就是在其官方网站上免费订购的。一次偶然的机会在’Ubuntu中文论坛‘得知Linux世界还有Ubuntu这个发行版的存在,并且可以免费寄送光盘介质,当时的我非常希望手中能有张Linux正式发行版光盘,曾经考虑过Fedora,但是由于缺少刻录条件放弃了。Ubuntu恰好让我的愿望得到满足。当时还有一个担心就是Ubuntu不是主流发行版,是否影响自己在Linux上的体验呢?我Google了一下,发现自己大可不必为此担忧,Ubuntu在Linux社区中的口碑还是很好的,而且还获得了’Linux Journal‘杂志评选出的’2005最佳Linux发行版’奖。


由于我的本本硬盘空间太小,所以还不能马上进行我的Ubuntu体验,真遗憾呀!正在计划购入一大容量本本硬盘,所以只能等春节后再Share Experience吧!

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