
What’s today’s date?
It is August 13th.
What day is it?
It’s Thursday.
What’s the time?
It is almost noon.
It’s one o’clock.
It’s five after one.
The clock/watch says 3:15.
The clock is five minutes slow.
Well, Time to go!
About when?
About what time?
How’s the time? 来得及吗?= How are we doing for time?
I have no time.
You must wait for 5 more days.
What is taking so long.
I wasted a whole day.
Time has come.
Time is money.
I killed 2 hours watching TV.
Time is up. = There’s no time left.
Do you have some free time?
It is about time.
Computers save us time.

© 2006, bigwhite. 版权所有.

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