
Dear Mr. Middleman
Dear Jim
Dear Mr. Jim Middleman
Dear Mr. Jim
由于信函原文中发信人和收信并不是很熟悉的朋友,所以应该选择第一个,即'Mr. + 姓'的形式。接着这个话题,老师又给我们深入了讲解了一些称呼上的知识。如:
Dear Sir, 在知道对方性别,但是不知道名字的前提下
Dear Madam, 在知道对方性别,但是不知道名字的前提下
Dear Sir/Madam, 在即不知道对方性别,又不知道名字的前提下
老师还谈了由于女权运动导致的一些用词方面的变化,如Chairman -> Chairwoman -> Chairperson -> Chair,同样情况的还有businessman这个单词,现在一般都说businessperson了。

对于感谢信,我们在正文的开头和结尾处都要加上感谢的语句,这里注意的是在正式的信函中要使用Thank you,而避免使用并不是应用于正式场合下的Thanks。而且在正式信函或者论文中不要使用缩略语,如不要用I'm/You're/It's/I don't,要用I am/You are/It is/I do not等。


Unit 1
Basic Listening Practice
A: Ok. It's your turn to pay the bill. I paid last time.
B: What? You have a selective memory. You tried to pay last time, but your credit card failed. So I ended up with paying. It's definitely your turn.
Q: What is true according to the conversation?
这里'selective memory'是选择性的记忆的意思,意为'选择对自己有好处的记忆';'end up with doing'最终做了某事。

A: I'm having real trouble reviewing for the french exam. I just can't memorize all the vocabulary.
B: Me, too. I hate having to learn things by heart. I guess we just have to keep the text reading over and over.
Q : What does the woman prefer?

A: Oh, look. There is that guy we saw last week playing football in the park. He looks great in his kit. remember?
B: Him? I don't remember him. I've got a terrible memory for faces. I have a hard time even recognizing people as being introduced to.
Q: According to the conversation, what is the man's problem?

A: Why is there a big sign on the back of your door that says keys?
B: It is to remind me to take my keys when I go out. Because I am always locking myself out by accident. It doesn't help though. Now I just forget to read the sign.
Q: Why is there a sign on the back of the door?

A: That exam of history is really hard. The essay question is terrible.
B: I know. I wish I were like David. He has a photographic memory, you know. How useful that will be.
Q: What is true of David?

Listening In
A: Tell me your secret. You're suddenly getting excellent marks in every subject and you used to be a bottom of the class students just like me.
B: Simple enough. I've read an article in a scientific journal that links studying with remembering based on recent research into the brain.
A: Oh, That stuff is old hat. Studying at the same time everyday, Be sure your clothes are comfortable, make sure you have enough light…
B: Not so fast wise guy. I'm talking principles like mental visualization, creating a picture in your mind of what to be remembered.
A: Ok. That does sound different. Is a association principle? you know you connect what you want to remember with something you familiar with.
B: Right on! Consolidation is another. I review my notes right after the class and consolidate all, absorb the materials into what I've already learned.
A: You're moving ahead fast with that principles. I swear this weekend I'm going to study 16 hours a day both Saturday and Sunday.
B: Wow, big guy! That's not the way. Follow the principle of distributed practice, shorter study sessions distributed over several days are better.
A: That does made all very well for you. You've got a good memory. But what about me? I got a memory like a sieve.
B: You are too modest. There is nothing wrong with your memory, but memory is like a muscle. It needs exercise and don't forget it.

在听这段对话时,在'That stuff is old hat'处有很严重的连读现象。'old hat'是一个俚语,意为'陈旧的、不流行的';'Not so fast'有"不要这么快下结论"的意思;'Right on'则是'正确,太对了'的意思。'That does sound different'这句听起来也不是很容易,这里是一个带有强调语气的句型。'That does made all very well for you'这句至今我也不敢肯定到底是不是这样的,因为没有原文。

. Core Ideas
. Effective Communication
. Mastery

. Facts
. Facts based uncertainty
. Thinking quickly
. Styles (Professional way & informal way)
. Unfamiliar topics
. Talking around
. Biased & Unbiased

其中在'Thinking quickly'环节,我们做了一个游戏,比如有A、B、C三个人,从A开始说:
A : I
B : I can
C : I can speak
A : I can speak fluent
B : I can speak fluent English.
就像这样,锻炼你的'Thinking quickly'能力,挺好玩的。你可以每次add a single word or a phrase or a entire sentence。

最后一个关于Biased & Unbiased的Practice不是很理解,当时他让我们其中两个人扮演寻找hotel的商人,另外两个扮演两个hotel的sales,两个sales推销他们的hotel,我们呢就问问题以决定住在哪个hotel。按照Alex的说法,两个sales属于'Biased',其他两个属于'Unbiased',至今仍不是很理解。

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