2006年五月月 发布的文章



John, apologize to her.
John, you listen to me!
Watch out! Don’t play with that thing.
Do it yourself.
You should finish what you start. 不要半途而废
I’m ready to throw in the towel.
It is your duty to do that.
Be good to others.
You can’t be too careful. 再小心也不为过
Make up your mind after thinking it over carefully.
You’ll see. 你终究/迟早会明白的
Calm down and think carefully.
That is the most important thing.
Don’t bite off more than your can chew. 要有自知之明
There isn’t much merit in doing so.
What you need is a little more effort.
Respect yourself. 自重
I hope you will be positive overall.
That’s easy for you to say. 你说起来容易
There is no reason for complaints. = There is no reason to complain
It’s natural for me to get angry.
I’m telling you this from my experience.
Cannot you think it differently?
Don’t trust it.
I’m so gullible!
Don’t under him,
That is the name of the game.
I cannot make any exceptions for you.
Use your head!
You ask for it. 活该,自作自受
If the shoe fits, wear it. 如果认为别人批评得有道理,就该接受
If the cap fits, wear it.

Let me give you a piece of advice.
Watch out!
Watch your step! 小心脚下
Hold on to me tight. = hold me tightly
Watch out for him. = be careful of him = keep your eye on him 小心提防他
There is a little catch. = There is something to it. 事有蹊跷
Think twice before you do it. 三思而行
Easy does it! 轻拿轻放 别着急
Please go easy on me.
Let’s not jump the gun.
Let’s not go overboard.
Let’s wait and see how things go.
Don’t jump to conclusions.
Don’t be selfish.
Your work is always inconsistent.
You should not spend money foolishly.
You have an attitude problem.
Don’t be so naughty.
Hold it down! = Be quiet!
Hush! = Be quiet!
It’s too noisy!
Don’t make a fool of yourself!
Think about where you are. 分清场合
Act your age! = Behave in accordance with what is expected of your age!
Your view is too optimistic.
You should get your head out of the clouds. 你的想法太不现实了
Don’t make such stupid mistake again!
Don’t be stuck-up.
Don’t judge a book by its cover. = never judge something by its looks 别以貌取人
Watch your tongue. = Be careful of what you say
Follow the rules.
Stop goofing off! 别偷懒
Do as I said.
Don’t say bad things about others.
Don’t go back on your word! 别食言 = Don’t break your promise = you should keep your promise.
Don’t take on more than you can.
Don’t be rude!
You are fired!
Be a man! = Don’t be a chicken!
Don’t talk boastfully!
Don’t disappoint me! = don’t let me down.
Don’t flirt with girls/boys!
Don’t complain and do as you are told.
Make it snappy! 麻利点、利索点
Step on it! = Be quick!

Don’t blame me.
You’re to blame.
Put yourself in my shoes. = try to see it from my point of view. = try to see it my way.
Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?
I’ll give him a piece of my mind.
Don’t involve me! = I don’t want to get involved.
I told you so. 我早说过了吧
You knew that, didn’t you?
It is as if I had done sth wrong!
Don’t take it out on me!
Pay up! = Pay your debt! = Give me my money now!
You will pay for this. 我会找你算帐的
You are out of your mind. = You’re nuts. 你疯了!
You shouldn’t say things like that.
It is for your own good. 全为了你
Why are you picking on me?
He always finds fault with my work.

Hold it! = stop
Don’t do that!
Why are you doing that?
Please line up! 排队
Don’t cut in line. 夹塞儿
Don’t push!
Don’t call me names.
Don’t be a blabber mouth!
Keep it out of sight.
Stay away from me!
No funny stuff!  不许耍花样
Stay out of this! 别介入这事
Don’t ruin it. 别把事弄砸了
Stop fighting!

Freeze! = don’t move!
Duck! 蹲下
Hands up!
Don’t move!
You listen to me! = Do as I said!
Get down! 趴下
Stay where you are!
Move on = Go ahead!
On your knees! 跪下
Run for you lives!
Stop him!
Can it! = shut up!
Stand back! = step back! 后退
Cut it out! 算了吧
You are under arrest!
Heads up! = Be careful!
Drop it!
Get your hands off!
Stay down! 趴下
Get out of here!
Back off! 闪开!

[New Words To Me]
watch out — be careful.
throw in the towel — give up in the face of defeat of lacking hope; admit defeat.
make up one’s mind — make one’s decision; decide.
bite off more than one can chew — 担任自己所不能胜任的事.
merit — superior quality or worth; excellence.
overall –  including everything.
complaint — an expression of grievance or resentment.
gullible — naive and easily deceived or tricked.
the name of the game — 真正重要的东西, 问题的实质.
go easy on — 对..宽容、手下留情.
jump the gun — 发令枪末响起跑(偷跑),引申为操之过急、行动过早.
go overboard — 做过了, 爱走极端.
jump to conclusions — make a conclusion quickly without thinking carefully.
foolishly — without good sense or judgement.
naughty — badly behaved.
optimistic — expecting the best in this best of all possible worlds.
stuck-up — (used colloquially) overly conceited or arrogant.
goofing off — the evasion of work or duty.
boastfully — vauntingly.
flirt — playful behavior intended to arouse sexual interest
snappy — quick and energetic.
give sb. a piece of one’s mind — 严厉斥责, 教训一顿.
take it out on — 向…发火,冲..出气
pick on sb — 挑剔某人
call sb’s names — 辱骂
blabber — speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly。
freeze — stop moving or become immobilized.

算法描述中的'Pseudocode Conventions'

Pseudocode,即伪码,它常常用来描述一个算法,目的是能使被描述的算法能够容易的以任何一种计算机程序语言实现。’Pseudocode Conventions’可以理解为’伪码约定’,既然是’约定’那就并非强制性的标准。但是在专业的有关算法的文献和资料中,其相关内容多符合这些’Pseudocode Conventions’。如果你是一个想学习和钻研算法的人,那么建议你熟悉这些’Conventions’,俗话说:’磨刀不误砍柴工’吗!

‘Pseudocode Conventions’应该说也是有多种多样的,但是随着这么多年的积累和进化,渐渐的一些’Conventions’退出了人们的视线,此时你在一些重要的图书典籍上能看到的大概就是被人们广泛接受的一种’Convention’了。这里介绍一种比较常用的’Pseudocode Convention’,这种’Convention’在MIT Press出版的’Introduction to Algorithms 2nd‘中被广泛采用,在国内的一些算法书籍中也是’屡见不鲜’。

介绍’Pseudocode Conventions’其实与介绍一种程序设计语言的语法相似,看多了就会产生厌烦,这里先给出一个例子,让大家有个感性认识,找到一种新鲜感。^_^

这个例子源于’Introduction to Algorithms’一书中的那个著名的’Insertion-Sort’:
Insertion-Sort(A) △ A[1..n]
    for j <- 2 to length[A]
        do key <- A[j]
            △ Insert A[j] into the sorted sequence A[1..j-1].
            i <- j-1
            while i > 0 and A[i] > key
                do A[i+1] <- A[i]
                    i <- i-1
            A[i+1] <- key


2、利用’缩进(Indentation)’表示程序的块结构(Block Structure)。
4、’i <- j’为赋值语句,表示将j的值赋给i;而’i <- j <- e’这样的多重赋值形式则等价于’i <- e’, ‘j <- e’。
if (Condition1)
    then [ Block 1 ]
    else if (Condition2)
           then [ Block 2 ]
           else [ Block 3 ] 

8、支持三种循环语句:while、for、repeat … until。’for t <- 0 to n’表示 t范围为[0, n)。
11、布尔运算符’and’和’or’都是’short circuiting’的。如计算表达式’x and y’,如果x为FALSE,那么整个表达式就为FALSE,我们不再计算y了。

OK,罗列了11项,照比C这类的高级语言,这种’语法’显然简单的多,更易理解。以后要做的就是尽量在进行算法描述的时候使用这种’Pseudocode Convention’,毕竟熟才能生巧!

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