2006年五月月 发布的文章



This is Dennis Smith.
Hello, John?
Is this Mr. Dennis Smith?
Is this the finance department?
Is this Dr. Jim Baker’s office?
Do you mind if I use your phone?
May I speak to Mr Smith?
Is Mark there?
I’m sorry for calling you this late.
I hope I’m not disturbing you.
I hope I didn’t wake you up.
It is urgent I talk to Mr Smith now.
I’m calling about tomorrow’s meeting.
I’m returning your call.

It is me.
ABC Business College, May I help you?
Who is calling please?
Who in particular would you like to talk to?
He is been expecting your call.
Which Smith do you want to talk to ?
There are three Smiths here.
Would you mind calling back later?
Extension 103, please.
I’ll connect you to extension 103.
Hold on, please.
I’ll put him on.
I’ll transfer your call.
I’ll get your party for you. (here ‘party’ means the person who is called for)
I’m transferring your call to the sales department.
You have a call from Mr. Smith of ABC.
Your party is on the line.

Her line is busy now.
I’m sorry, she is tied up at the moment.
Would you like to hold?
He is away from his desk.
He is in but he is not at his desk right now.
I’m sorry, he is not in right now.
When is he coming back?
He should be back in 10 minutes.
He should be back in the office next week.
He is on vacation until next week.
He called in sick today.
He is out of town now.
He is out to lunch now.
He is in a meeting now.
He is off today.

Could you call back later?
Please call me back in ten minutes.
May I take a message?
I’ll try again later.
Can I leave a message?
I called but your line was busy.
Would you tell him that Tom called?
Please tell him to call me.
How can he get a hold of you? 如何联系你
Your number, please.
My number is …
Your can reach me at 12341234 until six o’clock.
Let me repeat the number, that is 12341234.
OK, I’ll tell him that you called.
How do you spell your name?
Mr. Tom called you during the meeting.
I’ll have him call you back.
Shall I have him call you back?

Thanks for calling.
Please call again anytime.
I’d better get off the phone.
I have to go now.
I guess I’d better get going. 挂电话
Nice talking to you, bye.
Please hung up the phone.
I was cut off. = I was disconnected.
She hang up on me. = She hang up before I finished.
The phone went dead.
Thank you for returning my call.

I’m afraid you have the wrong number.
What number are you calling?
Who would you like to talk to?
There is no one here by that name.
There is no Bob in this office.
I’m sorry. I must have misdialed.

This is Tom’s calling. Please call me as soon as possible.
This is Tom of ABC. Please call me when you get home. My number is 12341234.
This is a recording.
Please speak a little more slowly.
I can’t hear you very well.
We have a bad connection.
Could you speak up, please?
The lines are crossed. 串线
I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.
Thank you for waiting.
You give me the wrong number.

[New Words To Me]
extension — an additional telephone connected to a main line.
put sb on — 让..接电话.
tie up — too busy to answer the phone.
call in sick — 打电话请病假



已经连续工作7天了,自己略感到有些疲惫,今天早上醒的很早,自己做了碗'蛋炒饭',然后把它吃个精光,缓解肚内空虚^_^。加班毕竟不比工作日,时间安排上有一定自主权,只要工作完成了,领导也不会说什么^_^。到公司的时候已经9点多了。很多来加班的已经到了。每天正式开始工作前都喜欢看看blog,看看有什么新闻发生,看看大家都在关注些什么。在自己的blog上居然发现这么一条评论,说我的blog像'天书',最近英语笔记写了不少,也许是满屏的英语让这位'抽烟的大萝卜'感到不爽了,没办法,公司业务扩大,英语已经摆在了议事日程上来了,早学早受益亚^_^。上Bloglines看看其他人在五一节都在做甚么呢。Keso为我们带来了'劳动节的礼物' — Blogsome又一个Blog站点,看其主页还是挺清新简洁的,符合我的风格。苦咖啡豆利用51尝试硬盘安装Ubuntu6,这与我也不谋而合,昨天朝秘书借了光驱,就准备在我的台式机上安装Ubuntu 5.10,Ubuntu光盘早于今年年初就收到了,惭愧的是至今仍未安装过。至于我订阅的其他Blogger们好像都去欣赏大自然的美好景色去了。



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